Goodbye Little Belly! Weight Training is Really Very Necessary

I believe many Codoon fans, like me, are dieting hard every day, and the first thing they consider when they see delicious food is its calories. At least every other day, they go to the gym to run, ride a stationary bike, and follow the charming instructor to do aerobics...

But no matter how much sweat is shed or how much food is resisted,the weight just won't come off!

Every day, looking at my belly, I feel an indescribable sense of grievance!

Later, an expert told me—If your lower belly always sticks out, it's time to consider doing weight training!

Actually, I am like most girls, hesitant about weight training because I'm afraid of gaining muscle.

However, the expert rolled their eyes and said,Gaining muscle is not as easy as you think!In fact, proper weight training combined with aerobics can help us lose fat and slim down more effectively, and our body lines will be more graceful.

So, I had an epiphany! Today, let's talk about the 8 benefits of weight training for women! Let's all become gracefully toned waist beauties together.

1. Burns more fat, especially abdominal fat

A study published in the journal 'Obesity' pointed out that weight training helps the body burn more fat than aerobic exercise, especially abdominal fat, because while aerobic exercise burns both fat and muscle, weight training burns fat while strengthening muscle!

2. Burns more calories

As mentioned earlier, weight training can strengthen muscles. With more muscle, metabolism improves because one kilogram of fat can burn 4-10 calories, but one kilogram of muscle can burn 75-125 calories, a tenfold difference, so the speed of slimming down naturally doubles!

3. Enhances aerobic exercise capacity

With good muscles, athletic performance naturally improves, especially with a strong core, which is a big plus for aerobic exercise.

4. Makes the body more flexible

A study from the University of North Dakota found that 'full-body weight training' improves muscle flexibility as effectively as static stretching, but the key is 'full-body' weight training from head to toe.

5. Strengthens bones

While training muscles, it also stimulates bone cell proliferation, which can simultaneously strengthen bone density and strength.

6. Reduces joint pain

Doing squats every day makes your knees feel much better! Because weak muscles can't protect the joints, when weight training strengthens the muscles, it also strengthens the support for the joints. Over time, joint pain will gradually disappear. However, if you already have joint pain or injury, be sure to get evaluated by a doctor before training to avoid secondary injury.

7. Develops a strong heart

Aerobic exercise is not the only way to strengthen cardiovascular function. A study from Appalachian State University found that doing 45 minutes of moderate weight training regularly can lower blood pressure by 20%. Exercise is truly the best remedy!

8. Strengthens mental resilience

Even better, weight training strengthens the body while also strengthening the mind, because weight training is a challenge that continuously tests not just the body but also willpower.

Doesn't it sound amazing?

Anyway, I'm already eager to try it.

Next time you go to the gym, try the equipment area!

(This article is compiled from online sources, and the images are from the internet. If there is any infringement, please inform us to delete them.)

Created: 2016-08-22 07:10:23