Minor Cold Solar Term Fitness First Recommend Light Exercise

January 6th marks 'Minor Cold,' which signifies that the weather is already quite cold, but not yet the coldest time of the year. In such low temperatures, many people prefer to stay indoors and are less inclined to exercise. However, moderate exercise is still necessary.

Why should one exercise during Minor Cold?

There are many folk sayings related to winter fitness, such as 'A little exercise in winter keeps the doctor away; laziness in winter brings a bowl of medicine,' and 'Exercise during the coldest days ensures a healthy year ahead.' These sayings highlight the importance and necessity of winter exercise. After the Minor Cold period, the coldest 'Sanjiu' days are approaching, which is the coldest time of the year. This is an excellent opportunity for people to strengthen their physical fitness and improve their overall health.

How to exercise during Minor Cold?

During these dry and cold days, it is advisable to engage in activities such as skiing, jogging, rope skipping, and shuttlecock kicking. Among these, rope skipping is an economical, lightweight, and very effective fitness activity.

What should be noted when exercising during Minor Cold?

First is the timing of exercise. In winter, it is better to go to bed early and get up late, so it is best to start exercising after sunrise when the temperature is slightly higher. If there is strong wind, fog, or a cold front in the morning, it is not advisable to exercise outdoors; instead, you can exercise indoors or on a balcony.

Secondly, warm-up activities are very important. Due to the cold weather, blood vessels on the surface of the body constrict, blood flow slows down, muscle viscosity increases, and the elasticity of ligaments and flexibility of joints decrease. Therefore, it is essential to do sufficient warm-up exercises before working out to avoid sports injuries. Warm-up activities can include a set of radio calisthenics, patting the muscles of the hands and feet, rubbing the face, and jogging.

Thirdly, it is important to keep warm while exercising. Do not wear overly thick clothing during exercise; instead, wear appropriate sportswear and keep warm. After completing the warm-up activities, you can take off the thick clothes for exercise. After exercising, put on clothes promptly to keep warm.

Lastly, those with cardiovascular diseases, gastrointestinal diseases, or arthritis should be particularly cautious during warm-up activities. Avoid prolonged exercise in cold, damp environments. If you feel unwell during exercise, stop immediately or go to the hospital for a check-up. When exercising outdoors, avoid breathing through your mouth to prevent cold air from entering the gastrointestinal tract. Also, avoid exercising in strong winds, severe cold, heavy snow, and morning fog.

Selected exercises

1. Rope Skipping

When skipping rope, start by placing the rope behind your heels and jump forward. After landing on the balls of your feet, switch to bouncing up and down. Keep your knees bent and hips relaxed, and ensure each landing is stable and rhythmic. Before and after skipping, march in place to stretch your muscles, which helps with warming up and cooling down. You can skip 2-3 times a day, each session lasting 10-15 minutes.

2. Knee Hugging Exercise

Specific method: Sit on a hard bed with your legs spread in a V-shape and knees slightly turned outward. Place your hands on your knees and breathe naturally 36 times. Bend your left knee and hug it with both hands, while extending your right leg straight and turning your right foot outward, with the outer side of your right foot touching the bed. Inhale deeply through your nose to the maximum extent and then exhale slowly. Repeat this deep breathing 7 times. Then, hug your right knee with both hands, extend your left leg straight, and turn your left foot outward, with the outer side of your left foot touching the bed. Inhale deeply through your nose and exhale slowly, repeating 7 times. Finally, return to the original sitting position and breathe naturally for 3-5 minutes to finish.

3. Cross-legged Foot Holding Exercise

Specific method: Sit upright on the bed with your knees bent and turned outward, and the soles of your feet facing each other. Hold your feet with both hands and pull them towards your arms. Lift your knees upwards with your hands, ensuring that the soles of your feet do not leave the bed, and then relax, allowing your knees to drop naturally back to the original position. Repeat this upward movement of the knees 24 times. Then, hold your feet with both hands and rotate your upper body clockwise 24 times, followed by counterclockwise rotation 24 times.

(Compiled from Yangzhou Evening News and Qianjiang Evening News, sourced from Sina Running, images from the internet)

Created: 2016-01-06 08:17:58