#minister arrives#①yuan xin quan: sport is a streak of warm gold

Editor's Note: #MinisterArrival# is an interview column launched by the Codoon Campus Club, aiming to let more friends understand the ministers and witness the development of the campus club together! Today, we introduce Yuan Xinquan from Inner Mongolia University!

Q: Hello Xinquan, please greet everyone and introduce yourself~

A: Hello everyone~

I am an ordinary junior student among thousands, a typical Scorpio revenge girl in engineering, who likes sports and also enjoys quietly daydreaming alone. I am like a still lake when calm and a rabbit on the run when active. I am honored to be the first to write this founder promotion, feeling a bit flattered!!!


Q: How did you come to like sports?

A: To do something long-term that you've never done before, you need four elements: a breakthrough, a habit, a reward, and recognition. Fortunately, in March this year, while I was bored and scrolling through my phone like many others, I met a classmate who runs. He recommended me to participate in an event organized by a folk organization called Qinling Marathon. I went with the thought of enjoying the scenery for free, planning to walk five kilometers and then get on the support vehicle. However, I was deeply impressed by this group of experts. Regardless of whether they knew each other, they would cheer each other on, no matter how slow you ran. The staff at the supply stations would greet you warmly. This was something I had never experienced in my daily life. At the finish line, I was even more amazed by the girls who loved sports without makeup or pretense; they were so beautiful with rosy skin and no excess fat. My dad was convinced they were sports students, but they weren't. That's how I started my circle-running life~

Q: What have you gained from sports?

A: If I were to describe sports with a color, it would definitely be warm golden. Running brings us not just the little joy on the scale but also improved mood, stronger physique, better self-confidence, and a refreshed social circle. I block those who complain without reason. Every day, various experts run mountains and marathons. If I don't run for a day, I feel distant from them. Running hasn't taught me to do anything perfectly, but it has taught me what to do when I can't do something well—whether to stop or continue is up to you!


Q: What are your aspirations for the future?

A: As for short-term aspirations, can I intern at Codoon headquarters? But it seems like someone always does better than me. What should I do? Then let's post a challenge and compete fairly! Anyway, I won't give up in harsh conditions of minus ten degrees, hehe.

Q: Introduce your club members!

A: Speaking of our team, although most of them are not students, they have a younger mindset than students. They are successful in their careers and run marathons every week, making me bow in admiration. Our group leader, Hu Yangshu, runs marathons everywhere during holidays. Zhengma, Taima, Chengma, and Paipai are all in his bag. He Pangpang from the branch campus is catching up and is now on his way to becoming a male god (or crazy). There's also Xiaolin, a working graduate student, goddess sister Doria, and the cute Xiaogangbeng. These people who are better than me work harder than me, so what reason do I have to stop and watch?


Q: Advertisement time, what do you think is great about Codoon?

A: What's great about Codoon is the team running and walking as if their lives depend on it, chasing each other. There are many useful shares from big male and female gods in Codoon Bar. Codoon's material benefits are also great, and the on-site lottery activities are unbeatable. I once saw a Codoon fat scale and bracelet being taken away, sob sob.

Q: Say something to Codoon runners~

A: A message to Codoon runners: To exercise, use Codoon; to run, you need to work hard!

Thank you, Xinquan, for your blessings. We hope everyone enjoys exercising together!

Next episode preview: Another amazing girl, guys, get ready!

Created: 2016-01-13 02:37:15