#minister arrives#5 liu mingqing run further see wider

Editor's Note: #Minister Arrives# is a newly launched interview column by the Codoon Campus Club, aimed at helping more friends get to know the club ministers. This can also be considered a historical witness to the development of the Codoon Campus Club! The interview order is determined by the success of incubation, with one issue per week. Today, we are pleased to introduce Liu Mingqing from Hohai University in Nanjing, Jiangsu!


Q: Mingqing, please introduce yourself to everyone~

A: Hello everybody, my name is Liu Mingqing. I am from Hohai University in Nanjing, Jiangsu, and I am a first-year PhD student in Geotechnical Engineering at the School of Civil and Transportation Engineering. I am a guy who loves sports, including running, basketball, and badminton. However, my biggest interest now is running, especially marathons! Running allows me to meet more friends, and Codoon has given me a platform to make friends through running.


Q: It seems you are an all-rounder. How did you come to love running?

A: I started running in college because I had more free time, but it wasn't frequent. Basketball was my main activity. It wasn't until the summer after I graduated from my master's program, around mid-August this year, that I started using Codoon for running after seeing friends share their Codoon track maps on social media. Once I started, I couldn't stop. Not only did my running volume increase, but my speed also improved.


Q: It seems that college is indeed a place full of (idle) unlimited (im)possibilities. What have you gained from sticking to exercise?

A: By using Codoon, I fell in love with running. I also made a group of invaluable running friends who are not just running buddies but also friends with deep bonds. It has made my mindset more positive and uplifting!


Q: We are already counting down to the end of 2015! What are your expectations for your future self?

A: To run farther, faster, and healthier, and to meet more friends! Through marathons, I hope to visit more cities and experience different kinds of fun!

Q: Come on, introduce the friends who are moving forward with you!

A: Our club is called the Hohai University Codoon Campus Club, also known as the Hohai University Long-distance Running Association. Our members include not only students from our university but also people from outside the campus. Our goal is to get more people to join us, fall in love with running, and enjoy the fun that running brings them. We have a running event every Saturday at Xuanwu Lake.


Q: Finally, a routine little advertisement: What do you think is great about Codoon?

A: Just eight words: simple and practical, with rich activities! (Editor: Isn't it great!!)

Q: Lastly, give all Codoon fans a message~

A: If you like running or sports, using Codoon is definitely the right choice!

Codoon Handsome Interjection:

I completely agree with what Mingqing said. I hope that through marathons, we can visit more cities and experience a richer life.

After all, we run and exercise simply because we love the freedom of running against the wind and the solid feeling of our feet on the ground.

Cherish every opportunity to have a conversation with yourself while running~~

Next Issue Preview:

The Joker in the Galaxy—Little Ruier

Created: 2016-01-13 03:55:24