[weekly hot] 7 oh you can move


Rabbits, pig tails

(Comrades, attention)

Hmm, yes indeed

I'm here to remind everyone about the weekend again


If I were a fairy

I would definitely be the most lovable fairy

Because, as soon as I appear

It means the weekend has arrived

Come give Cheerleader a big 'swim hug'


Today at noon, while I was eating Wish all the moms good healthbrowsing the fitness circle,

I suddenly received a WeChat message from my mother:

Do you know! They got married!

Before I could ask who got married, making her so excited

My mother sent over a photo ofSeptember Miracle(For those who don't know

September MiraclePlease Google it using Sogou browser)In an instant


I remembered back in the day

When I told my mother and her square dance friends

That Phoenix Legend were not a couple

Their disappointed looks

And faces that no longer believed in love

Thank you, September Miracle!


It was you who gave my mother and her square dance friends

The courage to believe in love again

I believe

Tonight in the square

All the aunties will dance joyfully




And to exercise more

Alright, after the usual chatter,

Let's move on to this week's

'So Hot! Weekly Highlights'This week, the fitness circle launched a topic activity #

Spot the Difference(Come play, it seems there's a chance to win an iPhone 7)

Show everyone your body and appearance comparison photos from the beginning and end of the year

Cheerleader saw many photos that were comparable to 'plastic surgery'

Exercise is truly a more effective tool than any scalpel


Lin Xiping

@This set of photos from a classmateStill blinded my 24k pure gold eyes

Here's the big picture...


This is before using Codoon (living a life of eating and shopping with the owner)


This is after using Codoon (look at my beautiful face, have you fallen in love with me)


To this, Cheerleader can only say:

Even the dog is working so hard, do you still have the nerve to be lazy?

As for Summer, everyone must be familiar with her

Many know that she is a kindergarten teacher and a Codoon friend

As a teacher

As a runner

Besides sticking to her own exercise routine

Summer also started 'cultivating' the flowers of the motherland

Instilling good exercise habits from a young age

Look at these little kids below

Drawing their own race bibs

After seeing these 'race bibs' from the little kids





Don't you feel instantly energized and full of vitality?

As the end of the year approaches, Codoon has a big surprise.

The latest version 7.6, launched on December 15,

Allows runners to view 'dynamic tracks' after completing their exercise

(Note: Version 7.6 is currently available on the Apple App Store, Android users will have to wait for the release of version 7.8.)

'Dynamic tracks' means that after each run, hike, or ride,

Users can 'replay' the actual exercise process.

Let's take a look at @

Brother Spring'sExplosive dynamic track------ This is the Cheerleader's dividing line ------


Alright, this week's

'So Hot! Weekly Highlights'Is like this,Finally, as always,

Your most favorite

Prize interaction segment

(These words must be highlighted and bolded, the year-end bonus depends on this)

This is @Action Faction Xiao EnA picture from the fitness circle

The two Nunas are having so much fun


All you jokesters, open your minds,

InThe comment section of this article

Come up with a witty caption for this photo,


Cheerleader will pick two of the most interesting ones,

And sendA prizeTo each of you

As usual, Cheerleader will go first

Hey! Ha! Watch my Dragon Palm Strike!

Last week's prize interaction winners

Were the first commenter @Seven Star Beetle

And the talented @Yun Zui Hongchen 10879671

Please private message @Codoon Cheer Station,

And tell Cheerleader your mailing address and phone number,

Those who didn't win, don't be sad,

Every week, Cheerleader will

Give out two prizes in

'So Hot! Weekly Highlights'

That's it for this week,

See you next week

Created: 2016-12-16 06:57:05