@mo wang bin ji obsessed with it no longer painful if you persist

In 2012, his body and soul hit rock bottom, and even the sky seemed gray. By 2015, he was enjoying the thrill of standing atop the Guangzhou Tower during the Vertical Marathon finals, feeling the exhilaration of 'being at the top and viewing all the small mountains below.' All these changes happened because he fell in love with 'her.'— Running!

The star of this episode's celebrity show@Mo Wangbinji,you may not be familiar with him, but you should hear his story.

I come from Yangcheng, Guangzhou, born in 1982. At the age of 4, my father taught me how to swim. In middle school, I was forced to run long distances to qualify as an excellent student, and I gradually fell in love with running. At 22, I was introduced to yoga and took yoga classes, gaining a basic understanding of it. However, due to my fickle nature, I didn't stick with these activities. The only things I consistently did were eating when hungry and sleeping when tired.

After graduating from university, the pressure of work increased, and I exercised sporadically. Coupled with a lack of self-discipline and irregular lifestyle habits, my weight and body size gradually increased, especially after getting married in 2010.

In late November 2011, I faced a major life setback: a retinal detachment in my right eye that required surgery. Post-surgery, the doctor advised against any further exercise, warning that the retina could detach again at any time. The sky turned gray. Before the surgery, I thought I might never be able to exercise again and might lose vision in one eye forever. I envied normal people who could run whenever they wanted. Following the doctor's advice, I spent three months eating without exercising, gaining weight. At 178 cm tall, I weighed 79 kg, with a 35-inch waist and chubby cheeks. Although I wasn't overweight enough to be easily recognized on the street, I didn't have a strong desire to lose weight and continued my carefree lifestyle.

But thanks to my love for running, in September 2012, I signed up for the first Guangzhou Marathon with a playful attitude, registering for the 10,000-meter race. From then on, I started continuous training and became thoroughly addicted to running—not for weight loss, but for the physical and mental comfort and confidence it brought. When one fully understands the significance of something, doing it becomes automatic, without the need for the painful word 'persistence.' Initially, I ran alone, unaware of the Codoon app. Humorously, I used a ruler to measure distances on a Baidu map on my screen and multiplied by the scale to estimate the distance I needed to run.

Later, I was fortunate to join the running tribe. On December 4, 2012, a milestone day, I started using the Codoon app to track my progress, thanks to a recommendation from a running tribe friend. From then on, Codoon and I became inseparable, recording every step of my growth.

My training continued, and as I always say, the motivation wasn't weight loss or body shaping but the simple joy after exercising. In 2013, besides running, I added swimming, my longest-known sport, to my summer training plan. To avoid waiting for elevators and being late for work, I started climbing 11 floors of stairs to my office. After my company moved in 2014, the climb increased to 20 floors. At the end of 2013, witnessed by Codoon, I participated in the 2013 Guangzhou Half Marathon and the 2013 Zhuhai Half Marathon.

In early 2014, a sudden and delightful surprise: I was going to be a father! This seemingly natural event for others was a hard-fought victory for us after more than three years of effort. I believe these three years were a test from above for our dedication to exercise. For others, running means joy, health, and beauty, but for us, it also signifies the continuation of our bloodline. From then on, I felt endless gratitude for running. Whenever Codoon signaled a kilometer, I would point to the sky, look up, and thank my family for their support and the joy and benefits running brought me.

In May 2014, to enjoy various sports during running breaks, I added a 9-set*30-second plank exercise to strengthen my core, continued swimming once a week, and incorporated yoga once a week to make use of the yoga materials I had previously bought. I started a new comprehensive exercise routine, including running, strength training, swimming, and yoga. This decision led to the peak of my life. By September, I weighed 71 kg, losing 8 kg since 2012. I had found the key to beauty and health and became a fitness guru and weight loss ambassador in my social circles.

On November 23, 2014, during the Guangzhou Marathon, I ran my first full marathon, with my entire family cheering me on. In December, enjoying the comfort of climbing stairs to work, I participated in the first Guangzhou International Vertical Marathon, relishing the thrill of reaching the summit and eventually advancing to the finals. On January 9, 2016, at the Guangzhou Tower, I happily completed the finals. On January 1, 2016, I welcomed the New Year with my second full marathon at the Dapeng New Year Marathon, running for 5 hours and 30 minutes alongside my idol, Running Girl Top 10 finalist Xiaoyu's Socks, and happily finishing the race.


Now@Mo Wangbinji is diligently writing the deluxe edition of his fitness transformation story, 'My Pride,' documenting his perfect transformation from 2012 to 2014 to inspire those wavering on the path of exercise. The story will be serialized in Codoon's 'Winter Fan Stories' column. Stay tuned, Codoon friends!

Created: 2016-01-14 07:48:50