gain 3kg no fear gain 10kg still not afraid because we have it

Dear fans, how was your Spring Festival?
Did you have fun chatting with all your relatives?
Did you take some time to think about me?

Alright, I know you didn't. You were busy having fun every day, no time to check Codoon, I mean, to exercise!

Whether you visited

famous mountains and great rivers,

cultural relics,

or just enjoyed seven days in bed,

you couldn't escape the three meals a day (maybe more than three). However, describing your holiday eating habits as three meals a day lacks flavor. The correct term should be: binge eating and drinking.

Gaining 3 pounds every holiday, that's you!

First working day after the holiday.

I guess your state is like this↓↓↓

Sitting in front of the computer,

but your heart is still out there.

But you can't just leave all that fat unattended, right?

The detox plan for the bloated tribe is starting now!

Let's welcome the workday together!

·Part 1: Return and develop good eating and sleeping habits

The New Year is over, and spring has arrived. You should eat three meals a day on time, following the principle of eating less but more frequently. Avoid high-sugar, high-fat, and high-calorie junk food as much as possible, and get enough sleep. This will naturally restore your body to a healthy and balanced state, accelerating your metabolism, and fat will naturally disappear!

·Part 2: Low-fat, high-energy foods suitable for spring

"Pork Rib and Winter Melon Soup"

As the saying goes, spring is for growth, summer for development, autumn for harvest, and winter for storage. In spring, everything revives and renews, and so does the human body. After eating a lot of delicious food (mainly chicken, duck, fish, and meat) during the Spring Festival, your body may accumulate fat due to excess nutrition. At this time, eating more pork rib and winter melon soup can help your body get the necessary nutrients, regulate internal balance, promote diuresis and reduce swelling, clear heat and detoxify. It's a perfect weight-loss tool, and you can drink as much as you want without worrying about getting fat!

"Fruit and Vegetable Salad"

Fresh fruit and vegetable salads contain a lot of dietary fiber, which helps your body replenish nutrients and energy while enhancing your digestive metabolism. It lowers cholesterol and strengthens your body's functions. Especially for those who indulged in too much meat and excess during the Spring Festival, this is perfect for you. Plus, fruits and vegetables are low in calories, so eating more won't burden your body. The preparation is super simple, so why not get one?

"Beef Meal"

Although you ate a lot of meat during the holiday, some meat is still necessary. Don't be afraid of meat! Not all meat will make you fat. For example, beef! It is rich in vitamins, carnitine, and essential proteins. Carnitine can accelerate your body's fat metabolism. Whether you fry, stir-fry, stew, or make soup, you'll get slimmer the more you eat! Eating meat and losing weight at the same time, isn't that great?

·Part 3: Light body fruit juice drinks, rely on them when you can't hold on

Feasting during the holiday, regretting it afterward! How can you detox while still having fun? Don't worry, how about a DIY light body fruit drink between meals? Drinking a lot of vegetable and fruit juices containing active enzymes can help clear toxins from your blood.
Editor's secret ingredients/methods: 1 carrot, 1 cucumber, 1/3 celery, 1-2 apples. Put them into the juicer in the order of carrot, cucumber, celery, and apple. Drink three times a day for several days.

Tips:I know it's hard to get back to a normal diet, but for the sake of your digestive health, push yourself to stick to it. Here are some hunger-fighting tips:

★ When you're hungry, have a dried red date. Ten a day can stave off hunger and boost your energy. Awesome!

★ Nuts like walnuts and cashews are great for fighting hunger, but be mindful of their high calories and eat them in moderation.

★ If you want fruit, apples are a good choice. But don't eat a whole one at once, half is enough. You can share the other half with someone nearby, hehe~

After all this, are you ready for a few days of 'abstinence'? Don't cry, once your body is adjusted, you can enjoy delicious food again!

Created: 2017-02-03 01:57:38