Lose Weight Score Age Group Implementation, Do You Know?

What do most women in the world fear the most? Without a doubt, it's obesity! It's often said that losing weight is a lifelong course for women. Throughout their lives, women go through various stages, such as working, getting married, and having children. During these periods, due to various reasons, women are very prone to gaining weight. For different stages, only targeted weight loss methods can prevent the body from becoming overweight and out of shape!

18-25 years: Life Transition Period

Causes of Obesity

At this time, the body is gradually becoming fuller, and it is a critical period for body shaping. If not careful, one can easily develop a solid and robust physique. Moreover, at this age, one is either in college or just starting to work, which is a stage of indulging in food, snacks, and sweets.

Weight Loss Methods

1. Regular exercise. Focus on exercises for the chest, back, thighs, and buttocks. Depending on your physical condition and economic situation, you can participate in cost-effective activities such as dancing, running, and swimming. Dancing not only interests women but also enhances body coordination and helps shape body lines.

2. Participate in body shaping training. Since this stage is crucial for body shaping, try low-gravity, high-repetition muscle training. Muscle training aids in weight loss because muscles continue to burn energy through metabolism even at rest.

3. Pay attention to diet:

Eat small, frequent meals. Those who eat small, frequent meals lose weight faster than those who eat three meals a day.

Eat breakfast. Skipping breakfast may lead to overeating at lunch or dinner, which is not conducive to weight loss.

Eat less for dinner. Since evening activities are generally less, the required calorie consumption is also lower.

Drink more water. Drink 6-8 glasses of water daily. Water helps stimulate fat metabolism and suppress appetite.

Eat slowly. Choose foods that require more chewing, slow down your eating pace, and give your brain time to form a satiety signal, eliminating hunger.

26-30 years: Marriage and Childbearing Period

Causes of Obesity

The crisis at this stage is often noticed after childbirth. During pregnancy and the postpartum period, women consume high-nutrient foods and engage in less effective exercise, leading to muscle relaxation and fat accumulation. Additionally, due to high work pressure and heavy household chores, finding time to exercise becomes challenging, increasing belly fat.

Weight Loss Methods

1. Choose moderate and sustainable exercises. At this stage, with busy work and life, one should find time to exercise. A highly recommended exercise is skipping rope. It comprehensively exercises the body and mind, enhances cardiovascular, respiratory, and nervous system functions, and prevents diseases such as diabetes, arthritis, obesity, osteoporosis, and insomnia.

2. Improve body flexibility. After childbirth, excess fat accumulates under the skin. It is recommended to maintain healthy exercise and increase flexibility training, such as postpartum yoga and Pilates, which focus on flexibility stretching.

3. Reasonable supplementation. During pregnancy, avoid excessive supplementation. The total weight gain during pregnancy should not exceed 25 pounds. Postpartum, avoid consuming too many high-calorie, high-fat foods, and sugary foods. Focus on foods rich in vitamins, fiber, protein, and water.

31-40 years: Middle Age Weight Gain Period

Causes of Obesity

At this time, work is generally stable, and life and family are on track. Most people, due to a relatively happy life and reduced pressure, gradually neglect body management. This period is also a peak time for obesity. If not careful, the body will gradually become out of shape, and fat will accumulate.

Weight Loss Methods

1. Face reality. Stand bravely in front of the mirror and tell yourself that you are already overweight, which will make you consciously want to lose weight.

2. Focus on aerobic exercise. For women at this stage, high-intensity exercise can cause unnecessary fatigue and injury. Therefore, choose moderate to low-intensity aerobic exercises, such as jogging and slow cycling.

3. Change dietary structure. Control daily calorie intake to around 1100 calories, with lunch accounting for 40%-50% of the total calories. Choose whole grains and high-protein foods for breakfast, and keep dinner light and low-calorie. Maintain a small exercise routine for 15 minutes before bed to regulate metabolism. However, do not over-diet, as it will lower the metabolic rate faster, leading to more severe weight gain.

40-50 years: Decline in Physical Function Period

Causes of Obesity

Between 40 and 50 years old, the functions of various organs begin to decline, such as the heart and respiratory system, and the metabolism of corresponding organs naturally decreases. As a result, calorie consumption also decreases, and the accumulated fat will accurately settle in the abdomen, buttocks, and thighs. Due to psychological and practical reasons, mental and physical labor decreases, reducing calorie consumption. Leisure activities and sports also decrease, converting extra calories into fat, leading to a protruding belly.

Weight Loss Methods

1. Low-intensity, long-duration exercise. There are many types of exercises, but middle-aged people are more suited to low-intensity, long-duration exercises, such as jogging, walking, and simple fitness equipment. These exercises do not increase the burden on the cardiovascular system and are also conducive to weight loss.

2. Dietary principles: Four less, four sufficient

Reduce fat intake

Reduce salt intake

Reduce calorie intake

Reduce cholesterol intake

Ensure sufficient iodine intake

Ensure sufficient calcium intake

Ensure sufficient fiber intake

Ensure sufficient protein and vitamin intake

The famous actress Ingrid Bergman once said, "A woman's delicate facial features can bring momentary pleasure, but a graceful, curvaceous figure can bring endless imagination for a lifetime." No matter what age you are, you should never neglect the management of your body. Keep it up!

Original title: How to Lose Weight at Different Ages: 20s, 30s, 40s, and 50s

(This article was originally published on Codoon Running and is reprinted with the author's permission)
Created: 2016-01-19 04:04:19