life is not a marathon


Author of this article: @Fukuda-B Shao (Codoon Shenzhen Bay Running Group)

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

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The year 2016 was an extraordinary year for me. In half a year of running, I lost weight from 200 pounds to 160 pounds.I started running in May 2016. When I first started running,I was a novice who couldn't stop panting after running just 1 kilometer. May 12th was a memorable day for me, as I recorded my first half marathon in 2 hours and 15 minutes using Codoon. Four months later, on September 25th, I participated in my first marathon, the Berlin Marathon, and completed it in 5 hours and 44 minutes.

The so-called running,was not because someone persuaded me to run, nor because someone dragged me to run a marathon. It was because one day, out of a need for my health, I started running! With a height of 1.81 meters and a weight of over 200 pounds, how did I start running? Of course, I started in the gym, but later I found that running outdoors was more comfortable and allowed me to fully enjoy the beautiful scenery and fresh air of nature. Every step outdoors let me encounter more beautiful landscapes. I run at least 3-4 times a week, each time for at least 5-15 kilometers, running in the park after work, in Shenzhen Bay, and I also enjoy running laps around Futian.

After the Berlin Marathon, I realized that marathon training requires more time, which taught me to plan my time better. When time was really tight, it naturally led to the habit of getting up early. Without knowing how to manage time, life can become chaotic and messy.

After the Berlin Marathon, with two months of planned training, I completed the Nanshan Half Marathon on November 27, 2016, in 1 hour and 50 minutes. Then, on December 4th, I completed the Bao'an Marathon in 4 hours and 30 minutes. On December 18th, I finished the Taiwan Marathon in 5 hours because I had run two 20-kilometer mountain runs before the race. I then prepared for the 2017 Dapeng Marathon. On January 1, 2017, I completed the Dapeng Marathon in 3 hours and 49 minutes. At this point, I weighed myself and found I was 160 pounds.

Forme, the initial motivation for running was to lose weight, so,the key issue is not whether you have enough time, but whether you are disciplined enough.Because with enough discipline, no matter how busy or tired you are, you will find time to exercise. A disciplined life leads to freedom. If you want to manage your body well, it can only be achieved through self-discipline.

Losing weight also requires a good mindset. Don't treat life like a marathon; it doesn't matter if you go faster or slower. Winning or losing is not important, and it doesn't matter if others surpass you. The key is your own feelings. If you treat life as a marathon, you will always be tense, constantly looking at the victory flag ahead, and always on guard against being overtaken. This way, you will miss the beauty of the journey of life.

Created: 2017-03-04 16:24:33