games are the memories hidden in childhood
Dear childhood
I don't know why
I suddenly want to meet you
I want to fly kites with you
To see how we were as kids
Running with the wind
I want to play shuttlecock with you
Watching the sunlight on the feathers
Bulingbuling, sparkling bright
I want to play hopscotch with you
Jumping into the squares of memories
Laughing and playing in the time machine
I want to play hide and seek with you
You hide in the corner of the years
I find you in the river of time
Dear childhood
How are you?
I made 1000 medals
Remembering you with Codoon
Purchase method
After lighting up the online medal, open the Codoon APP - My - Medals - Enjoy Codoon - 'Play in Memory', go to the medal details page and 'click to purchase'
Click the image to jump to the topic
Created: 2017-04-14 02:21:53