cycling ten musts the common sense you must know

Before setting off, here are ten essential tips you must know.

1. Know your limits. What others can do, you might not be able to. Where others can go, you might not reach.

2. Be mentally and materially prepared. Cycling is a tough endeavor that requires patience, strong will, sufficient funds, and family support.

3. Understand your gear. The performance of your equipment greatly protects you.

4. Know some basic medical knowledge. This includes your blood type, medical history, and drug allergies. If you get injured, how can your companions contact your family?

5. Be aware of relevant laws and basic traffic regulations.

6. Memorize at least four phone numbers: 110, 120, and at least two numbers of people who can help you.

7. Regularly check your equipment.

8. Have a good set of tools, basic spare parts, and fundamental repair knowledge. Don’t always rely on others to carry extra spare tires; borrowing tools can be inconvenient, especially spare tires.

9. Be patient. Don’t expect to become a terminator in a month; gradual progress is key.

10. Pursue the joy of cycling rather than following a trend. If you treat cycling as a fashion, you will soon get bored and miss out on the fun it brings. The motivation for engaging in a sport should come from genuine interest, not from following others.

Remember these tips, and then start cycling!

(Article selected from People’s Daily Online. If there is any infringement, please contact the article publisher.)

Created: 2016-01-28 02:56:24