balancing fitness and food how does he do it


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Foreword: My star show might be a bit different from others. I don't have those extraordinary experiences. Writing this article is probably just to show off my cooking skills to everyone, haha~


Hello everyone, I am Aubrey (Codoon nickname:@Aubrey Chen) from Chengdu, now settled in Guangzhou, working at the airport. I'm not a pilot or a flight attendant, just an ordinary air traffic controller. Although ordinary, my job is very busy, really busy... But I always strive to find a balance between work, food, and exercise.Naturally, work, exercise, and food have become the three main parts of my current life.

Many people might complain about having to work, exercise, and calculate their diet every day, feeling there's not enough energy and time. Sometimes, eating too much accidentally can make one feel sad and regretful, feeling like the day's workout was wasted. But I want to say, passion and interest will help you overcome all difficulties, and making your own food is safe and reassuring, isn't it?



I can say that I developed a strong interest in cooking and baking since my university days. To me, the world in the kitchen is simply wonderful and full of fun. And coincidentally, after coming to work in Guangzhou, an accidental opportunity made me fall in love with running and fitness. Coupled with my naturally picky taste buds, I always try to make high-quality food after exercising or working, which has become the most important joy in my life.


I always believe that fitness and food can coexist, and I fully agree with the saying 'three parts exercise, seven parts diet'.

For those who love fitness and exercise, the importance of eating is well known, but I also believe that not only should we 'eat well' but also 'eat deliciously', making every post-workout meal something to look forward to.



Still eating boiled chicken breast? Come on, that's so outdated~ Bland food can really make people dislike fitness. So why not break the traditional thinking, put in some effort and energy, and make some visually pleasing food to reward yourself? For example, like me;


If today happens to be a day off, this is probably how I would spend it:

06:30 Morning run

07:30 American breakfast [Kale orange juice, whole wheat pancake with raspberry sauce]

08:30 Rest [Spend ten minutes to stew beef bone soup]

10:30 Grocery shopping [List: beef, mint, basil, lime, chili, chives]

11:30 Vietnamese lunch [Vietnamese pho]

12:30 Lunch break

14:00 Gym anaerobic exercise

16:00 Prepare dinner [List: beef, cherry tomatoes, onions, chili, broccoli, quinoa, red pepper, cilantro]

17:00 Mexican dinner [Mexican-style beef quinoa salad]

18:00 Rest



Breakfast starts the whole day. After a morning run, making a quick, nutritious, and delicious breakfast is a pleasant thing. I think about what to make the night before. For example, today, I would make a whole wheat pancake with raspberry sauce and a glass of kale orange juice. A breakfast full of American flavor.


Whole wheat pancake


Ingredients: 70g milk, 50g flour, 50g whole wheat flour, 5g baking powder, 60g egg, 10g coconut oil


1. Sift and mix the dry ingredients evenly

2. Mix milk, egg, and coconut oil evenly

3. Pour 1 into 2, stir until there is no dry powder

4. On a non-stick pan over low heat, pour a spoonful of batter and cook until it changes color, flip and continue to cook until it changes color, then remove from the pan


Raspberry sauce


Ingredients: raspberries, sugar, lemon juice


1. Pour sugar into a small pot, add a little water, and cook over low heat until melted

2. Add raspberries to the pot, simmer over low heat until thickened

3. Squeeze in lemon juice



Kale orange juice


Ingredients: kale, orange, milk, honey


1. Wash kale, cut orange into pieces

2. Put 1 and milk into a blender and blend for 3 minutes, gradually adding honey in the last minute




Fell in love with Thai and Vietnamese cuisine because it's low-fat and delicious. How about a refreshing Vietnamese beef pho for a hot noon?


Vietnamese beef pho


Ingredients: beef bone soup (prepared in advance), 50g thinly sliced beef tenderloin, 100g cooked and drained Vietnamese rice noodles, mint, basil, chili, a little chives, a little fish sauce, half a lime, some bean sprouts


1. Put the cooked rice noodles in a bowl, arrange herbs, beef, chili, and bean sprouts as desired

2. Pour the hot soup into the bowl to cook the beef slices, squeeze in lime juice and fish sauce to taste




Just remembered, I forgot to tell you how to make beef bone soup because it's the soul of the dish. It's recommended to prepare it a day in advance~


Beef bone soup


Ingredients: 1kg beef bones, 1 cinnamon stick, 5 star anise, 5g coriander seeds, 1 spoonful of cloves, 1 ginger, half an onion, a little fish sauce


1. Roast the onion in the oven until charred

2. Blanch the beef bones to remove blood, then drain

3. Put water in a large pot, add beef bones, ginger, onion, and spices

4. Bring to a boil over high heat, then simmer over low heat, adding fish sauce. Cook for at least 3 hours.





Love the strong flavors of Mexican cuisine, so why not incorporate Mexican flavors into a salad? After an afternoon workout, have a muscle-building salad.


Mexican-style quinoa beef salad


Ingredients: 1 steak, 50g quinoa, half a red pepper, 100g cherry tomatoes, half an onion, a small bunch of cilantro, 100g broccoli, lemon zest, a pinch of sea salt, dressing (apple cider vinegar, coconut vinegar, honey, black pepper, juice of half a lemon)


1. Prepare the steak, cook it with olive oil, then let it rest

2. Prepare the side dishes: cook the quinoa, roast the red pepper and cut into strips, cut the cherry tomatoes in half, dice the onion, chop the cilantro, blanch the broccoli and cut into small pieces

3. Prepare the dressing: mix vinegar and honey in a 2:1 ratio, add black pepper and lemon juice

4. Arrange the side dishes, then add the sliced steak and quinoa. Pour the dressing over the salad, grate half a lemon's zest, sprinkle a pinch of sea salt, and mix well.




In fact, exercise and fitness are very enjoyable activities. As long as you put your heart into it, you can enjoy the exhilaration of sweating during exercise and taste different styles of healthy food.


Life is so beautiful, food and exercise should not be missed!


Text and images/Codoon friend@Aubrey Chen



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Created: 2017-08-31 02:34:31