i want to ask coach 24: feel like vomiting after drinking water post hiit?

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[This Issue's Questions Overview]

Q1: Why do I feel like vomiting after drinking water post-HIIT?

Q2: Why do fitness enthusiasts prefer tight-fitting clothes?

Q3: Interval running can improve running ability, but I've heard it also helps with fat loss?

Q4: Why does my neck hurt during abdominal exercises?


Q:Why do I feel like vomiting after drinking water post-HIIT? But if I don't drink water, I feel very thirsty. What should I do?

A:HIIT exercises result in high heart rates and excessive sweating, necessitating timely water replenishment. However, improper drinking methods can lead to adverse effects. Some people tend to gulp down a bottle of drink during HIIT, which seems refreshing but is actually harmful from a sports physiology perspective. Drinking large amounts of water during or after high-intensity exercise can burden the circulatory and digestive systems, especially the heart, leading to increased fatigue. The result of drinking large amounts of water is more sweating, further loss of salt, and potential cramps or spasms.


It is recommended todrink small amounts of water multiple times.Additionally, it is not advisable to replenish with pure water after exercise, as pure water lacks the salts and minerals lost through sweating. For cold drinks, it's best to wait until your body temperature has significantly dropped before consuming frozen drinks or beer. Cold drinks not only lower the stomach's temperature but also dilute gastric juices, impairing stomach function and potentially causing indigestion, diarrhea, or even acute gastritis.


Correct way to drink water post-HIIT:

1. Quality of water.Avoid carbonated drinks; opt for boiled water, electrolyte-rich sports drinks, or 1% saline solution to remove post-exercise heat and dryness and replenish lost sodium due to sweating.

2. Avoid overly cold water.Human body temperature is around 37 degrees Celsius, and after high-intensity exercise, it can rise to about 39 degrees. Drinking overly cold water can strongly stimulate the gastrointestinal tract, causing smooth muscle spasms and sudden blood vessel constriction, leading to gastrointestinal dysfunction and indigestion.

3. Amount of water.Due to excessive sweating during exercise, the required water intake is naturally high, but it should not be consumed all at once. Drinking small amounts multiple times can avoid putting pressure on the heart during high heart rates.


Q:Why do fitness enthusiasts prefer tight-fitting clothes? How much do fitness gear affect training results?

A:Speaking from personal experience, I believe tight-fitting clothes have the followingbenefits:

1. Accelerate blood circulation and lactic acid metabolism, reducing muscle soreness caused by lactic acid buildup;

2. Speed up the cooling and sweating process, better maintaining body temperature and preventing overheating;

3. Enhance proprioception of muscle movements;

4. Reduce soft tissue vibration and injury records;

5. Significantly reduce fatigue during exercise.

These are the professional benefits of wearing tight-fitting clothes. Subjectively, they also enhance appearance and showcase muscle lines. This may seem superficial, but it is actually very important. During ourfitness routines, tight-fitting clothes allow the trainee to clearly see their muscle engagement,which is very helpful for the trainee.


Regarding the impact of fitness gear on training results, different training stages and goals require different levels of fitness gear. For example, running shoes: for someone who is overweight, the current aerobic activities might only involve walking or uphill climbing, so the requirements for running shoes are not as stringent. However, for a long-term running enthusiast, a pair of professional running shoes not only provides comfort during running but also reduces knee joint damage.


Q:Interval running significantly improves running ability, but I've heard it also helps with fat loss. What's the principle behind this? 

A:Interval running involves alternating between fast and slow running. Medical research has shown thatinterval running not only enriches the exercise routine and increases running interest but also greatly benefits overall body function..


Generally, during slow running, the exercise intensity is low, and the energy required for muscle activity is supplied by aerobic metabolism, which relies on inhaled oxygen to oxidize sugars, fats, and other energy substances in the body to produce ATP, ensuring the energy needed for muscle activity. When switching to fast running, the body's demand for oxygen greatly increases. Due to the limitations of heart function, it cannot fully meet the oxygen demand, so part of the energy must be supplied through anaerobic metabolism. The lactic acid and other acidic metabolites produced during anaerobic metabolism alter the acid-base balance in muscles and blood. Thus,interval running not only effectively improves the body's aerobic metabolism capacity like steady running but also enhances anaerobic metabolism capacity, burning fat while making the body stronger..


Q:Why does my neck hurt during abdominal exercises, besides the abdominal area?

A:This indicatespoor core abdominal strength,causing the neck to exert force during abdominal exercises, putting excessive pressure on the cervical spine and resulting in soreness.It is recommended to focus on static exercises during abdominal training,such as planks and V-sit holds. During crunches and similar exercises, avoid full-range movements and start with partial crunches.


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Created: 2017-10-10 06:19:14