i thought you were my coach you think im a fool

"They have no sense of conviction at all, what are you satisfied with?"



In the last episode of the variety show 'The Birth of Actors,' Zheng Shuang and Ren Jialun performed a scene together. After completing the rehearsed scene from 'The Road Home,' they were asked to do an impromptu performance. This impromptu scene led to a significant disagreement among the three judges, who had previously praised the acting skills of these two popular young actors. Liu Ye and Zhang Ziyi even argued, slammed their phones, and threw shoes on stage, debating the actors' dedication and sense of conviction.


During her critique, Zhang Ziyi asked Liu Ye multiple times:

"They have no sense of conviction at all, what are you satisfied with?"

"Zheng Shuang laughed so many times during the scene, what are you satisfied with?"


When the episode aired, it was expected to spark a debate between fans of the popular stars and the general audience. Surprisingly, the comments were overwhelmingly in favor of Zhang Ziyi, agreeing that she was right. The show 'The Birth of Actors' aims to show that acting is not just about being a star but is a profession that requires dedication.


The same profession, the same background, but in different eras, it is given 'different meanings.' In Zhang Ziyi's era, there weren't many red carpet events or social media platforms like Weibo to catapult you to fame. Graduating from film school, you had to prove yourself by diving into film sets and continuously producing the best work.


The 2006 film 'The Banquet' solidified Zhang Ziyi's status as a leading actress. In the film's climax, Zhang Ziyi's character holds a red 'dragon robe,' her eyes filled with madness and desire, only to be suddenly pierced by an arrow. Her look of despair, pain, and disbelief, along with the veins bulging on her forehead, forever linked the name 'Zhang Ziyi' with cinematic classics in Chinese film history.


At that time, Zhang Ziyi was 27 years old, the same age as Zheng Shuang, who participated in 'The Birth of Actors.' We won't comment on Zheng Shuang's acting skills, nor will we view Zhang Ziyi as an international film star. Let's talk about the reverence an ordinary person should have for their profession.




This issue boils down to a single point of contention:

"Since you are an actor, why don't you hold yourself to the standards of an actor?"

This disagreement is applicable to many ordinary professions as well. Take fitness trainers, for example. This profession has emerged with the progress of the times. As economic conditions improve, people start paying attention to their health and go to gyms, hoping for professional advice and help from experts.


So, what kind of identity does a fitness trainer hold for ordinary people?

They are teachers and doctors.


However, when we interviewed some ordinary people who don't frequent the gym but have gym memberships, they gave us the following answers:


Feifei, 23 years old, HR assistant

I initially got a gym membership because I felt my life was monotonous.

I didn't buy personal training sessions because I had just started working and didn't have much money.

Every time I went to the gym, they would try to sell me sessions. If I didn't buy, they would either scare me or give me dirty looks.

Eventually, I stopped going, and my gym membership went to waste.


Xiaopeng, 30 years old, Internet product manager

I've been working out for six years.

But I gradually moved my workouts from the gym to my home.

Once I learned some training methods, I didn't want to go anymore.

Even for stretching, they wanted me to buy sessions.


Ajing, 27 years old, finance industry

I went to the gym with a friend and did a body fat test.

The personal trainer scared me, making me feel like I was terminally ill and only a membership could save me.

I bought 10 personal training sessions but stopped after two because the trainer left.

The replacement trainer wasn't dedicated, so I stopped going altogether.


When we asked them what impression their trainers left on them, almost everyone answered: 'Salespeople.' We were surprised to find a comment on a certain forum where a trainer described their gym members as:Those who don't buy sessions are losers, and those who do are fools."


When I saw this comment, I couldn't help but wonder: Why did you decide to become a fitness trainer in the first place? During our interviews, we discovered that some trainers' clients suffered various degrees of exercise-related injuries, with some even sustaining permanent ligament damage.




Just as there are actors like Zhang Ziyi who speak through their work, there are also popular young actors who rely on their looks. Every profession has people who work with different levels of reverence.


Coach Luo is a top trainer at the gym. He has only about five clients and doesn't schedule too many sessions each day. After each session, he gives his clients over half an hour of free training time. During this time, instead of looking for new clients like other trainers, Coach Luo rests and accompanies his clients, helping them correct any mistakes.


All five of Coach Luo's clients have very well-toned bodies. When asked about his personal training sessions, they said: 'He doesn't really push to sell sessions, but his sessions are expensive. As you can see, my body is almost as well-toned as Coach Luo's. Although his sessions are pricey, given his dedication, I think it's worth it.'


Coach Chen is a young woman who used to be part of the national gymnastics team. After retiring, she became a fitness trainer. Her professionalism is unquestionable, so her clients usually receive very formal and professional guidance and customized training. Besides teaching, Coach Chen often participates in international fitness and bodybuilding competitions and attends advanced fitness training courses to continually improve herself.


Coach Chen eventually grew tired of the 'performance-driven' model of gyms and decided to open her own studio. She filled her small studio with pink fitness equipment she loves. On the opening day, many of her former clients showed up, saying they would continue to train with her.


Coach Chen told us, 'I just really love the atmosphere of the gym, the weights, the sweat, it's very pure.'




We understand the unspoken rules of every industry. You need to survive on your performance, and we need you to help us become healthier and more beautiful. This is an era of paid knowledge, and as consumers, members, and people who want to improve ourselves through fitness, we are willing to pay for this effort.


However, while we are paying, we hope that the 'teachers' and 'doctors' in our minds can truly live up to their initial promises, like Coach Luo and Coach Chen, who are willing to offer more care, more professional content, and show a higher level of professionalism.


After all, there are many 'professionals' like Coach Luo and Coach Chen who are passionate about their work and dedicate all their efforts to it. They wouldn't want society to misunderstand their industry because of some negligent fake trainers.


We hope that when we ask ordinary people about their trainers in the future, they can say:

'They are really professional and dedicated. I'm very satisfied and feel that the money was well spent!'

【Interactive Topic】

Have you ever taken personal training sessions?

Is your trainer a true professional or just putting on a show?

*Leave your answers in the comments section*

*Let's see what everyone thinks of their trainers**

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Created: 2017-11-08 05:54:46