zhang jikes fans, i beg you to leave him alone!


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In the early hours of November 11, 2017, the German Table Tennis Open began the first round of the men's singles competition. The 29-year-old Grand Slam winner of the Chinese national team, Zhang Jike,lost 1-4 to the Portuguese player Apolonia.This was also Zhang Jike's first appearance on the international stage after a four-month hiatus, resulting ina disappointing early exit.

Since the Rio Olympics, Zhang Jike has faced a significant decision: whether to continue playing table tennis or to transition to something else. His body has been increasingly unable to cope, and he has been plagued by various injuries throughout the year. In fact, he was already struggling with injuries during the latter half of the Rio Olympic cycle.

After the match, Zhang Jike mentioned retirement for the first time, revealing, "If I can persist, I will definitely try my best. If my body really can't take it, I will choose to retire at an appropriate time and do something related to table tennis. I haven't made a decision yet."For the injury-ridden Zhang Jike, can he regain his former glory? Will his accumulated injuries prevent him from making it to the Tokyo Olympics, leading him to retire? If Zhang Jike retires, will there still be so many people paying attention to table tennis?


Why is Zhang Jike so popular?

After the Rio Olympics, the Chinese national table tennis team received unprecedented attention. Zhang Jike, Ding Ning, Ma Long, and other main players even became internet celebrities. Especially Zhang Jike, who is considered the "popularity king" of the team. He has the most and the most enthusiastic fans. According to the number of Weibo followers, Zhang Jike has as many as 8 million fans.


On his 29th birthday, with the efforts of his fans, subway newspapers in 11 cities jointly sent birthday wishes to Zhang Jike. They even placed advertisements in newspapers, on TV, and in light boxes in more than a dozen cities to celebrate their idol's birthday. Fans also edited Zhang Jike's match videos and shared them wildly online, making it a trending topic on Weibo. They also promoted their idol in mainstream media in Beijing.


Mainstream media and outdoor screens were also taken over by fans. On his birthday, even the exterior wall of the Water Cube was lit up to wish Zhang Jike a happy 29th birthday. This grand gesture caused a public uproar. According to the Information Times, the total value of this birthday celebration organized by fans exceeded 1.5 million yuan. Previously, they even bought the naming rights for two stars for Zhang Jike.


In the entertainment industry, fans doing such things for their idols is common, but in the sports world, this might just be the beginning. An insider from the entertainment industry revealed that Zhang Jike's fans are now managed like entertainment industry fans. Zhang Jike now has a team managing him and a mechanism for cultivating fans.


So the question arises, why is Zhang Jike so popular?

Firstly, in this era of valuing appearances, Zhang Jike's handsome looks are the most important reason for attracting fans. When an athlete is good-looking and has a commendable physique, many fans will naturally be drawn to him.

Of course, Zhang Jike's personal achievements are also a very important factor in attracting fans. He has participated in world competitions 8 times, won 5 championships, 2 runner-ups, and 1 third place, almost always reaching the finals without losing a single international match. His four consecutive championships and Grand Slam in 445 days are legendary, writing an indelible chapter in the history of world table tennis.


Secondly, Zhang Jike's personal charisma adds many points to his appeal. Many fans believe that Zhang Jike possesses a kind of dominance and kingly demeanor that many athletes lack. This unmatched dominance and confidence seem to be an innate part of his character. More importantly, this trait coexists with his strong psychological resilience and ability to handle pressure, earning him the nickname "藏獒" (Tibetan Mastiff).

Furthermore, Zhang Jike indeed has a fighting spirit and a never-give-up attitude on the court. This competitive spirit, characterized by daring to take risks at critical moments and intimidating opponents with a strong presence, is determined by his rebellious and unyielding personality. In January 2003, Zhang Jike first joined the national team but was later demoted to the provincial team for violating team rules. However, he returned to the national team in 2006 through his own efforts. His shirt-ripping celebration after winning the 2011 World Championships, his "100-meter hurdles" kiss on the podium after winning the 2012 Olympics, and his repeated shirt-ripping and roaring celebrations after winning major competitions have become the most endearing aspects for many fans.


When he returned to the national team in 2006, Wang Hao was in his prime, and Ma Long was considered the next leader by everyone. In such a situation, Zhang Jike carved out his own path through sheer effort, starting his own era. While others trained three times a day, he trained as if one day was three days. He received five injections of painkillers in one arm, which can easily cause muscle calcification. Each injection reduces an athlete's career by six months to a year. At the Rio Olympics, Zhang Jike competed with injuries, overcoming severe physical challenges with his strong will and psychological resilience to defeat foreign opponents.


The rise to fame of any person or thing is a result of both chance and necessity. In Zhang Jike's case, it is a combination of online momentum and personal charisma. As the soul of the national table tennis team, Zhang Jike, with his strong personal charm, has naturally become a sports star who has gained immense popularity in recent years.


Why didn't he become popular at his peak but did so in Rio?

In recent years, Zhang Jike's sudden rise to fame has puzzled many people, especially sports fans: Why didn't Zhang Jike become popular when he won the gold medal at the London Olympics, the World Championships, and the World Cup, completing his Grand Slam at the peak of his career, but instead became immensely popular during the Rio Olympics?

The reason behind this is actually quite simple. The development of the internet and the younger age structure of Chinese netizens have led to this situation.


In 2016, compared to 2012, the number of Chinese netizens increased, the internet became more developed, and the demand for cultural and spiritual content among the public greatly increased. As a result, more people paid attention to the Olympics and discussed the Olympics. The speed of information dissemination and resource sharing became faster and more extensive. This provided an excellent medium for more people to know and understand Zhang Jike.

With the development of the internet, the influence of online public opinion has been increasing day by day. Although the level of internet development in 2012 was not low, the progress in the past four years has been significant, and China's internet development has taken another big step forward and continues to develop.


In addition, the younger age structure of netizens is also an important reason. The main group of Weibo users is younger, quick to accept new things, and has a strong sense of entertainment. Looking at major events in recent years, many have been first triggered by Weibo. Even though only four years have passed, the main voices on Weibo are quite different from before. In this context, it is not surprising that Zhang Jike, who fits the taste of young people, has become immensely popular.


Ma Long is like a sword, Zhang Jike is like a knife

As the new generation leaders of the national table tennis team, Zhang Jike and Ma Long carry numerous honors and are both Grand Slam winners. Therefore, they are often compared. After the Rio Olympics, although Zhang Jike won the silver medal, he was clearly more popular than the champion Ma Long, which became a hot topic at the time.

Fans of the two players even started a war of words online. The then head coach of the national team, Liu Guoliang, couldn't help but post a long Weibo to express his thoughts.


Indeed, Zhang Jike and Ma Long not only have fundamentally different playing styles and techniques but also have very different personalities. A fan once described the difference between Ma Long and Zhang Jike as follows—

"Ma Long is like a sword, light and agile with a gentlemanly demeanor, fast, skillful, accurate, and steady. People love him for his elegance and grace, and his sharpness in the table tennis world is unmatched, making him a formidable opponent!"

"Zhang Jike is like a knife, strong and fierce with a kingly aura, heavy, powerful, and ruthless. People fear him for his aggressive nature, and although he is troubled by injuries, he is a national treasure! A dominant figure of his generation!"


For more conservative fans, Ma Long represents the ideal athlete. Obedient, well-behaved, with an elegant playing style, and stable performance. Even though his playing style may lack aggression and passion, and his psychological resilience may be weaker, many people still prefer Ma Long out of affection.

In contrast, Zhang Jike appears as a bad boy, first being kicked out of the national team, then tearing his shirt, kissing the podium, and kicking the board. His fluctuating state, rebelliousness, and wild personality, along with his stubborn and aggressive eyes, are not something everyone can accept. Although his performance is more inconsistent compared to Ma Long, he excels in major competitions. His ability to perform under pressure is one of the reasons many people like Zhang Jike.


If they stop playing, will fans still follow table tennis?

After the Rio Olympics, whether it was the National Championships or the Chinese Super League, there were instances of "tickets being hard to get." Although the league's title sponsorship was "bare," many believed that the national table tennis craze would boost the development of the Chinese Super League and attract more people to participate in table tennis.

However, the actual situation is somewhat embarrassing. This year's league still lacks a title sponsor. Moreover, the league's preparation was rushed, and the schedule was fragmented. The Chinese Super League faced a lot of criticism right after its opening. Despite having the world's best table tennis players, such as Zhang Jike, Ma Long, Ding Ning, and Liu Shiwen, attracting tens of thousands of fans, the commercial value of the Chinese Super League has not been recognized by the market.

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If Zhang Jike and Ma Long decide to retire, will these millions of fans leave with them? Will they only follow their personal lives and not the national team's matches? Will these fans' attention be drawn to other entertainment or sports stars? These questions are all possible scenarios in the future.

Many of the national table tennis players' fans started paying attention to these players and table tennis matches because of the Rio Olympics. Unlike long-time sports enthusiasts, these fans do not have extensive sports knowledge and experience. They rely more on online news and videos to learn more about their idols and then follow them.

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The stability and volatility of these fan groups are also worth considering. If you are a sports enthusiast, your focus is more on the athletes' performance and results. But if you are a fan who likes entertainment gossip, your focus is more on the athletes' off-court news.

For a sports enthusiast, if Zhang Jike and Ma Long retire, they may still continue to follow table tennis and pay attention to the new generation of players like Fan Zhendong and Lin Gaoyuan. But for a fan who focuses on individual stars, if Zhang Jike retires, there is no need to continue following table tennis. They won't start liking Fan Zhendong or Lin Gaoyuan because, in their eyes, only Zhang Jike matters.

Therefore, these fans who are crazy about star players may only be passersby for the national table tennis team, the sport of table tennis, and the sports world.Once this trend passes, these people may forget about these things. However, even if the tide recedes, some shells will be left on the beach. And these shells are still valuable for the sport of table tennis. But how many of these fans will convert to sports enthusiasts? That remains unknown.


In recent years, the trend of sports entertainment has become increasingly evident. Chinese sports are entering an unprecedented era of entertainment. The most notable feature of this era is not judging heroes by their achievements but advocating for personalized entertainment consumption. It has become normal for sports stars to become internet celebrities. Fu Yuanhui's humorous quotes, Ning Zetao becoming a national heartthrob with a gold medal at the Kazan World Championships, sports stars frequently participating in entertainment programs...

If these suddenly popular athletes do not handle the relationship between training, competition, and participating in entertainment and commercial activities well, they may fade away quickly. For an athlete, excessive entertainment development can have some negative impacts. Too many activities and too much attention can inevitably cause distractions. If athletes get carried away, their desires will inflate, and their mindset will become restless.


For sports stars, their true stage is the competitive arena filled with fierce competition. While the outside world is "entertaining" them, should we also consider giving them more space to focus on their sports performance? Wouldn't that be more reasonable?

Take Zhang Jike, who returned to competition after recovering from injuries. Compared to the fans' relentless support and cheers, he might value more his ability to adjust his state and regain his competitive form through participating in matches. Compared to hundreds or thousands of people cheering for him, he might hope more to fully immerse himself in the competition.

Everything has a limit, and it depends on how Zhang Jike and his fans manage it.

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Created: 2017-11-09 10:42:09