video snowboarding series tutorial 10 one foot board control


Controlling the board and gliding on one foot can be quite challenging for beginners, but it is also a very interesting skill that is widely used in various aspects of snowboarding.

XLab Pocket Teaching Series - 10: One-Foot Board Control and Walking


Previous Reviews:(Click the text to jump)

XLab Pocket Teaching Series - 5: Gliding Routes and Trajectories

XLab Pocket Teaching Series - 6: Gliding Posture and Correct Stance

XLab Pocket Teaching Series - 7: Basic Stance and Center of Gravity Placement

XLab Pocket Teaching Series - 8: Effective Edges and Side Radius

XLab Pocket Teaching Series - 9: Front and Back Edge Jumps

China's largest comprehensive snowboarding teaching platform is now available on Codoon.The XLab Extreme Laboratory Comprehensive Snowboarding Teaching System is a series of video lessons created by Professor Wang Jialing from Dalian University of Foreign Languages, after more than five years of hard work.During the 2017-18 snow season, over 70 beginner and intermediate snowboarding video lessons will be fully released on Codoon.


Created: 2017-11-16 03:59:49