cant find a reason to keep running? here are 12!

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Many people run, and many give up after a while. Those who don't run will never understand why so many people are out there braving the biting cold wind in the dead of winter. Why run? Because...

1. Running can help you say 'goodbye' to your belly fat

Studies show that 30 minutes of steady jogging can burn over 390 calories. In comparison, cycling and tennis can only burn 277 and 272 calories respectively in the same amount of time. So, if you choose the right exercise, you can achieve a satisfactory physique faster.


2.Develop a strong and resilient body

In fact, if you run three times a week, your cartilage will become more resilient due to the stimulation, and sunlight will promote the synthesis of vitamin D in your body, increasing bone density. After three months of persistence, your risk of fractures will be reduced by about 40% compared to your peers.

3. Become more reliable  

All running enthusiasts can feel that running not only trains your physical fitness but also affects your mindset. When you work hard for a goal every day, you become more focused and value the goal's importance to you. When this mindset transfers to your work, your boss will realize that you are a reliable and valuable person.

4. Better appreciate the beauty of nature


Do you feel like you're always an observer in an air-conditioned room, whether it's raining, snowing, or windy? Think about it, how long has it been since you went out to experience these weather conditions? Go for a run; these weather conditions aren't that scary. By immersing yourself in them, you'll be influenced by nature's vitality and become more optimistic.

5. Live two hours longer each day 

Whether you run in the morning or at night, you experience joys that those who sleep in or watch soap operas miss out on. You get to enjoy the day's sunshine earlier and step on the first snow on the streets. While others are anxiously getting up and waiting in long lines, you might already be leisurely preparing your day's plan. This feeling can be addictive.

6. Have the chance to gain more honors 

If you stick to running for at least six months, 80% of your friends will see you as a positive example in their daily conversations. They might join you in running, using you as motivation to persist in doing something well. They might even expect their husbands to become like you. Additionally, you might get more opportunities in various company activities.

7. Feel less guilty when snacking  

Studies have shown that people love sweets and fried foods because sugar and crispy textures can relax them. However, if you're not confident about your body, it might backfire. Use running to improve this negative emotion. After all, if you eat more, you can exercise more. What's there to fear?

8. Help you overcome procrastination

Ten years ago, when we talked about psychological issues, we often mentioned 'OCD.' But now, it's 'procrastination.' As tasks increase, people become lazier, and their execution ability worsens, even delaying bedtime. Regular running can make you more punctual, and your biological clock will become healthier.


9. You might meet more clients

You might not know this, but 60% of middle and upper management in Fortune 500 companies are running enthusiasts. Now, many successful people in China and those who have high standards for themselves have also taken up running. This means that if you get a chance to chat with them, you'll find more common topics and share more joys, allowing you to secure 20% more projects than others.


10. Gain more inspiration


If your job involves writing, music, art, or design, running can make your thinking sharper. Without any research, you can feel that while running, your mind can wander outside your body to some extent. This state is similar to the 'meditation' in yoga, allowing you to think of more creative ideas. If you record them in time, you might write a beautiful book like Haruki Murakami.

11. Make some real friends 

In this era, although communication seems convenient, it's hard to find true friends. Our busy lives make it difficult to meet people outside our circles. Instead of being a homebody on weekends, join a running club. Exercise will make meticulous people let down their guard, and you'll find it easier to make friends or even meet your significant other in your most authentic state.

12. Love the environment more

There's a saying that people don't cherish the environment because they're getting further away from it. If you don't run outdoors, you'll feel that a missing tree or dirty air outside has nothing to do with you. Encourage your friends to experience the joys the environment brings, and you might awaken everyone's love for the environment. 

【Interactive Topic】


What's your reason for sticking to running?

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Created: 2017-11-21 14:13:11