video snowboarding series tutorial 14 jump walking


The jumping technique using the front edge is very useful. By exerting force through the toes and coordinating with the front edge's contact point on the snow, you can perform jumps. Once you master body counter-rotation, you will quickly grasp this technique. It allows you to gain a comprehensive understanding of the board's nose, tail, and flexibility. This skill can be considered your initial communication with the snowboard.

XLab Pocket Teaching Series—14: Jumping with Front and Back Edges

Previous Reviews:(Click the text to jump)

《XLab Pocket Teaching Series—9: Jumping with Front and Back Edges》

《XLab Pocket Teaching Series—10: One-foot Board Control Walking》

《XLab Pocket Teaching Series—11: One-foot Sliding Method》

《XLab Pocket Teaching Series—12: Body Counter-rotation Method》

《XLab Pocket Teaching Series—13: Body Counter-rotation Auxiliary Training》

China's largest comprehensive snowboard teaching platform is now available on Codoon.The XLab Extreme Laboratory Snowboard Comprehensive Teaching System is a series of comprehensive video lessons on snowboarding created by Professor Wang Jialing from Dalian University of Foreign Languages, after more than five years of hard work.During the 2017-18 snow season, over 70 beginner and intermediate snowboarding video lessons will be fully released on Codoon.


Created: 2017-11-23 06:11:38