off road adventure is long without quitting the race life is incomplete

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Someone said: 'Trail running is the ultimate destination for every runner.'

After completing dozens of city marathons, Dad entered a 'blue period' in running, needing longer distances to challenge himself. So, he signed up for the Zhangye 100km trail race. Then, he increased his training mileage to prepare for the 100km race.

Unexpectedly, after successfully registering, he was lucky enough to be drawn for the inaugural Menyuan Gangshika 50km trail run.

And 50km is just the warm-up race for the 100km race.

As soon as July arrives, Xi'an city enters 'furnace mode.' The temperature often soars to 40 degrees Celsius for several days, with scorching sun and sweat-soaked clothes, feeling like a steamer, it's unbearable!

1000 kilometers away on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, Menyuan is so unfamiliar and intriguing.

The opening of the high-speed rail from Xi'an to Lanzhou has connected the entire Silk Road, making it very convenient to travel to the cool regions of Gansu, Qinghai, Xinjiang, and the hinterlands of the Northwest for summer vacations and trail races.

On July 14th, as soon as my daughter started her summer vacation, she hurriedly boarded the high-speed train to Qinghai.

Departing in the morning, after 5 hours, we arrived at Menyuan High-Speed Rail Station in the afternoon. As soon as we got off the train, we smelled the strong fragrance of rapeseed flowers.

We carpooled to Qingshizui Town and found a clean and tidy Hui ethnic homestay. The small courtyard had a beautiful garden with blooming eight-petal Gesang flowers, and the hillside behind the house offered a bird's-eye view of the entire flower sea. It was fantastic!

The race was held the next morning. There weren't many participants, lacking the hustle and bustle of city marathon events. Starting from the small town, we first passed through a small Hui village with white-walled, black-tiled farmhouses clustered around a Muslim mosque with a crescent moon spire.

Then, after crossing a hill, we entered the vast grassland. Accustomed to city road marathons, I was once again amazed.

Occasionally, herdsmen on galloping horses would whistle past on the grassland.

After running through the grassland, we reached vast fields of rapeseed flowers.

At this moment, the earth seemed like a giant palette. Under the blue sky and white clouds, the tender green was barley, the golden yellow was rapeseed flowers, and the distant dark brown was the continuous Qilian Mountains, with snow-capped peaks, transforming into a vivid highland oil painting.

Running happily along the small paths between the flower fields, it felt like returning to childhood, carefree and joyfully enjoying life.

Crossing the grassland, the flower fields, and the alpine meadows, we began to slowly ascend along the river valley formed by snowmelt.

As the altitude increased, our breathing became rapid, mild altitude sickness set in, and the temperature began to drop. We had to put on fleece jackets. The vegetation became sparse, with only patches of rocks and alpine moss.

The steep snow-capped mountains ahead were getting closer. The finish line was just below the snow line.

At dusk, we finished the race. Sitting at the Gangshika Snow Mountain base camp (elevation 4360 meters) in front of a small wooden cabin, we took out food from our backpacks, chewed on yak meat, sipped refreshing barley wine, and watched the sunset paint the sky red. The day's fatigue from the race instantly vanished.

Zhangye 100km Trail Race

The Zhangye 100km race once again showcased the majestic Qilian Mountains. The race was held in Subei Yugur Autonomous County, running through beautiful grasslands and the magnificent Qilian Mountains.

After 60 kilometers, I injured my foot. Alone in the dark night, on the vast grassland, drenched in cold rain, I gritted my teeth and persisted until the 76-kilometer aid station, where I withdrew from the race, leaving some regrets.

The trail running journey is long, and a life without withdrawing from a race is incomplete.

Qinling 50km Trail Race

The local trail race in Xi'an was held in the Qinling Mountains, known as the Dragon's Spine of China. It coincided with the rainy season in late autumn, with cold winds and rain all day. The mountain roads were rugged and muddy, increasing the difficulty and danger.

After climbing to the top of the Qinling Mountains, the temperature approached zero degrees. Many participants experienced hypothermia. At 1 pm, the organizing committee, considering safety, changed the route, and we safely descended according to the arrangements.

Along the way

there was pain and disappointment,

there were gains and insights,

trail running is not about recklessly challenging one's limits.

Cherish every step!

Head to the mountains,

and return home safely.

This is the charm of trail races!

[Interactive Topic]

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Created: 2018-01-03 04:01:13