nanjing snowstorm hong kong 100 liang jing smoking on the track i have something to say

Is winter cold where you are? Does it snow?

Does this question make our friends in Beijing feel frustrated?

That's right, it snowed here, and it was quite heavy. How heavy?

So heavy that the photographer Zhan Lan from the Northeast made a special trip, spending over 10 hours to fly back to Nanjing to see the snow. Do you think he rolled down the mountain while climbing Purple Mountain in the blizzard?

Passerby A: "I guess he rolled down?"

Passerby B: "How could there be such heavy snow in Nanjing? He wouldn't roll down!"

Look, he did roll down the mountain. What? You don't believe it? Leave me a message, and I'll give you his WeChat ID so you can ask him yourself.

With such heavy snow, what was I doing? Of course, I was taking my daughter out to play! Such a rare snowy scene, wouldn't it be a pity not to go out and have fun?

Kids in the south get so excited when they see snow~

It turns out that the snow in Nanjing can be this heavy. Of course, the heaviest snow fallson social media.Hahaha~

So, how could we not take some photos to share on social media?

This winter, besides the snow, there's also night training!

Just remember, when exercising outdoors in winter, safety is paramount. Pay attention not only to your physical condition but also to traffic safety signals.

Before the snow, a photographer named Tommy was hit by a car while out for a night run. Fortunately, he was okay, but waiting for the traffic police in the cold wind was really shivering... (Editor: Aren't you a racer? Who hit you? Hit them back!)

So, everyone, please pay attention to traffic safety during night training!

It has been snowing continuously in Jiangnan these days, and my social media is flooded with snow scenes, playing in the snow, and complaints about traffic inconvenience.

But... but... there's another kind of flood. I guess you've been flooded too. Look here, here!

That's right, flooded by the experts!

(Video sourced from the internet)

Isn't it inspiring? Isn't it cool? Oh my god! Do you know what I was doing at that time? I was hiding in a warm office, with my legs crossed, drinking coffee and eating cake. Two seconds after opening this video, I silently wiped the coffee off my keyboard and screen, thinking about how to run in such a blizzard... Wouldn't I freeze to death? If I don't run, wouldn't I get fat...?

Alright, I'm a responsible and conscientious marathon photographer, so I turned into this...

Actually, I want to say, I really don't like taking selfies, and there's no photographer around me, so I had to make do. Did I scare you? That's right, hahaha! It's not my fault that I'm ugly, my purpose is to scare people.

Finished an 8K run, isn't that great? (Praise me!)

Alright, alright, I was just pretending. I actually crawled the 8K at a speed of 12KM/H, and after finishing, I lay beside the treadmill for 5 minutes and couldn't get up. With -8°C and heavy snow outside, I didn't have the courage to run outdoors, so I switched to indoor training. As a photographer, I did my best for night training...

What's next? Continue lying down and pretending to be dead? That won't do, so I opened my phone to check WeChat, and I was shocked again by my social media.

What the heck! Something happened at the Hong Kong 100, my god! Results canceled? Looting? No looting? Did they loot or not? Supplies outside the track? Wrong route? What's going on?

I stood in the snowy Jiangnan, looking at the shorts and short sleeves on social media, completely confused!Alright, I actually have an opinion. Can I say it? Maybe I shouldn't. I can't hold it...

Should I say it? I shouldn't say it. Oh, I can't hold it. With so many comments and attitudes, as a marathon photographer, I feel so gossipy, and I'm a man! I can't hold it, I must speak out! Guess, do I support the penalty and cancellation of results, or do I support keeping the results? You all guessed wrong!

I support keeping quiet. Hahaha! My opinion is not to express any opinion. (Editor: ... Are you the legendary 'drama king'?)

Since the referee made a penalty, if the athletes are not satisfied, they can apply for arbitration.

I'm not at the scene, I don't know the truth, so why act like I witnessed everything? What's the point? Anyway, I don't care, I support not speaking out..

I know words can be powerful, and not making rash comments is the best respect for the athletes and the event. Without respect for the athletes and the rules, why participate in the competition? Just run casually by yourself, why sign up and compete?

Is my opinion annoying? Let's agree to stop here! Don't hit my face! Otherwise, if I turn into a pig head, you won't see me on the track anymore. As a prolific track photographer, won't you miss me?

Back to the photographer! As a photographer, how can I not talk about photography?

As a sports photographer, from a professional ethics standpoint, we are not allowed to influence the competition or the athletes in any way. Even when shooting indoor events, using flash is prohibited.

However, I don't care. Marathon is competitive sports and also mass fitness. Isn't it said that marathon events are like giant meetups for runners? I won't affect the competitive part, just quietly record the experts running by.

As for the amateur runners behind the 3-hour pacer, come on, let's interact and provide private supplies. Many familiar runners even bring supplies for us poor photographers on the track. Wow! So great!

Water, small bread, energy bars, fruits, cold drinks... Hahaha, it's overwhelming! If I say I gain three pounds every time I shoot a marathon, no one would believe it, right? Hmm, I need to control my weight, can't let the marathon ruin my slim figure! (Editor: Who's giving you supplies? Tell me, I'll help you eliminate these obstacles!)

Speaking of track supplies, I think of something embarrassing...

I smoke, and sometimes I hide by the track (taking off my photographer vest), smoke, and then continue working.

But, in such a moment, I've been caught by runners multiple times. So embarrassing, so embarrassing (Editor: You know it's embarrassing, yet you still smoke!!)

A runner is coming towards me... still smoking, quickly throw it away!

But! In a split second, the plot took a sudden turn...

The runner coming towards me said, "You smoke! Quick, give me a cigarette!"

Isn't that scary?

I was so scared I almost dropped my camera.
I... alright, take it yourself, be mindful of your heart and lungs, better finish smoking before leaving me! To avoid any problems.

Can I express my opinion on smoking during a marathon?

Should I be a mobile tobacco supply point, or a smoking ban ambassador? Since we're talking about smoking, I must say this, otherwise, is it considered illegal?

Personal reminder:"Smoking is harmful to health, please do not smoke in non-smoking areas."

Oh dear, what have I been talking about today? Can I organize my thoughts... Alright, the mush in my brain is starting to mess up, I'm running out of ideas, my essay will definitely fail, right? (Editor: Your essay gets 59 points today.) Hahaha, but it's okay. As long as you're happy.

Next, I want to rack my brains to piece together some random stuff. What do you want to hear? Leave me a message, I might not write it immediately, but give me some time to think, collect some information, and then I'll come back to ramble.

The next article will be decided by you! Otherwise, I'll continue to make things up at my own pace.

See you in the Year of the Dog!

Wish you all a prosperous Year of the Dog!

*The copyright of this article belongs to the author, unauthorized reproduction is prohibited.
The article only represents the author's views, not Codoon's opinion.

Created: 2018-02-01 02:59:29