gain weight every festival? heres your post holiday slimming guide

Gaining three kilograms during every festive season seems like an unavoidable curse, especially during the Spring Festival, which is all about eating and drinking well. With an array of rich foods and drinks, families gather to feast, and with a lack of exercise, it's easy to find an extra layer of fat around the waist...


Alright, the considerate Xiao Jian has already prepared a post-holiday body rescue guide for everyone ↓


Food Section


During the Spring Festival, you were conquered by the formidable enemy of delicious food. After the festival, it's necessary to engage in a true battle of willpower! How should you eat if you want to lose weight after the holiday?


Food choices: Focus on vegetables and fruits, with meat as a supplement. The order of meat choices should be fish first, chicken second, and beef and lamb third. Also, reduce the intake of staple foods like rice and noodles.

When it comes to cooking methods, opt for boiling whenever possible, followed by pan-frying, and avoid deep-fried foods. It's worth noting that after the beginning of spring, it's best to avoid sour and astringent foods and instead eat more pungent and sweet foods. Eat less acidic, spicy, and fried foods, and more foods that are pungent, sweet, and dispersing.


From a health perspective, it's not recommended to adopt a long-term vegetarian diet for weight loss. Instead, consider having one vegetarian meal a day, preferably in the evening. Since the body doesn't consume much energy at night, a low-calorie vegetarian meal can adequately meet your needs before bedtime.

If you are someone who needs to work late at night and engage in high-intensity mental work, you can add a cup of yogurt or choose some high-sugar fruits like bananas, grapes, lychees, and melons to ensure your brain gets the glucose it needs, allowing you to work efficiently even during your weight loss period!


Weight Loss Tips:

1. Calorie ratio for three meals for those losing weight: Breakfast: Lunch: Dinner = 4:4:2, strictly control dinner calories.

2. Pay attention to the type and cooking method of meat: choose low-fat milk, poultry like chicken, duck, and goose, and seafood like fish, shrimp, and shellfish, which are considered 'white meat' with lower average fat content compared to 'red meat' from pigs, cows, and sheep.

3. For iron supplementation, red meat is necessary, but try to choose lean parts and remove visible white fat.

4. Use low-oil cooking methods. For example, eggs are actually low-calorie foods, but if you make fried eggs, the added cooking oil will significantly increase the calorie count.

5. Drink soup before meals to feel full and reduce the intake of staple foods, aiming for about 70% fullness.

Exercise Section


After returning from the Spring Festival, we need to be disciplined not only with food but also with exercise, which is essential. There are many ways to exercise, including outdoor and indoor activities like walking, running, cycling, swimming, and jumping rope. These exercises can speed up metabolism, help detoxify the body, burn excess calories, prevent fat accumulation, improve mood, and relieve stress, helping our body and mind recover quickly.


Here, Xiao Jian recommends a globally recognized fat-burning exercise: burpees! Because it can raise your heart rate to nearly its maximum in a short time, it's considered one of the most efficient and best full-body workouts. It requires no large space or equipment and can be done with just your body weight, working over 70% of your muscle groups.

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Created: 2018-02-23 06:24:53