a city two rivers three towns four bridges five lakes 汉马 awaits your challenge

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In 2018, the Hanma Marathon enters its third year, marking the inaugural year of its 'Gold Label' status. Therefore, enhancing the quality and brand of the event has been prioritized. So, what improvements have been made to this year's Hanma, and what exciting aspects are worth looking forward to?

Compared to the previous two editions, the biggest difference this year is that, thanks to its accumulated reputation, it has directly 'leapfrogged' from a Bronze Label event to a Gold Label event, becoming one of the four major marathons in China.

Wuhan is a city fully committed to the marathon, with many heartwarming details reflecting its sincerity.On the 42.195-kilometer course, you can run through the most storied parts of the city.

'One city, two rivers, three towns, four bridges, five lakes' is the theme of the Hanma route. Wuhan's land, water, and air routes are intricately intertwined, with the majestic Yellow Crane Tower and the dynamic cityscape of Wuhan. The two rivers embrace the three towns, and seven bridges connect the thoroughfares. The city shines with its historical and cultural heritage, thriving commerce, and strong technological presence. The area of the Wuchang Uprising, the Red Building of the 1911 Revolution, and the innovative cityscape all come together, making it a place where history meets modernity.

Things you need to know about Hanma

Highest level: Leapfrogging to Gold Label with a perfect reputation

On the evening of January 25, 2018, at the 2017 China Marathon Annual Gala held in Shanghai, the Wuhan Marathon leapfrogged from a Bronze Label event to a Gold Label event.The China Marathon Gold Label is the highest certification for marathons in the country, organized by the Chinese Athletics Association, with experts scoring the event annually. The scoring criteria include race route, event promotion, athlete services, medical assistance, and more.

According to the evaluation standards, to encourage new high-quality events, a new event can only be rated as a Bronze Label event in its first year. In the following year, it can apply for Silver or Gold Label status based on its performance. At the 2016 China Marathon Annual Gala, the newly established Wuhan Marathon was awarded the Bronze Label and was also named the most influential event. In the 2017 season, the Wuhan Marathon received a 'Gold Label' with zero negative reviews.

Most beautiful course: Enjoy the charm of Wuhan while running

Overall, the Hanma course crosses two rivers, three towns, four bridges, and five lakes, with the entire route situated within the city, encompassing its core scenic spots.

This year's route still starts from the Jiangtan area in the old Hankou concession, passes through the century-old Zhongshan Avenue, crosses the Han River via the Jianghan Bridge, runs on the Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge, which has withstood 60 years of weathering, and passes by the Yellow Crane Tower and the 1911 Revolution Museum. It then crosses the Shahu Bridge and enters East Lake, the largest urban lake in the country. This route encapsulates the essence of Wuhan's cultural history and natural scenery. For many out-of-town runners, running a marathon in Wuhan is akin to a one-day tour of the city, allowing them to fully appreciate its charm while exercising.

Detailed services: Sending customized messages and Wuhan Tong cards

The 2018 Hanma will see an increase of 2,000 participants compared to last year, reaching a record 24,000 runners. More than half of them are from other regions or abroad. From picking up their gear to participating in the race and leaving after finishing, they will enjoy the detailed services provided by the organizing committee at every stage.

In the past two years, Hanma has collaborated with telecom operators to send commuting information to each participant. Timely and detailed information has saved the runners a lot of trouble. In the previous two years, the information was sent to all participants. This year, it will be differentiated based on the type of runner, with different information for full marathon, half marathon, and health run participants.

Starting from April 12, Hanma will begin distributing race gear. Out-of-town participants will gradually arrive in Wuhan. In previous years, the organizing committee set up shuttle buses at the airport to transport participants to the gear pick-up location for free. This year, to promote green travel, the organizing committee has customized a Hanma version of the Wuhan Tong card for each participant, with 10 yuan preloaded on each card to meet their public transportation needs before the race.

Special checks: High-tech chips to prevent unauthorized running

For the 2018 Hanma, over 130,000 people registered online, with 24,000 selected, resulting in a selection rate of about 18%.This year, Hanma has implemented three main measures to prevent unauthorized and substitute running. First, participants must pick up their gear in person, which effectively prevents substitute running.

To prevent unauthorized running, 'double measures' have been implemented: two checkpoints will be set up at the race site, with an additional checkpoint in front of the security check. At the checkpoint, participants will undergo two checks. First, volunteers will use ultraviolet light to check the anti-counterfeiting watermark on the bib number. Second, a new low-frequency chip, which can be attached to the participant's shoelaces and contains personal information, will be used for the first time this year. Only participants who pass both checks can proceed to the next stage and undergo security checks to enter the venue.

Strong supplies: Supplies comparable to the 'Tokyo Marathon'

This year's Hanma will continue to provide the most comprehensive supplies based on last year's foundation, with an increase in the quantity of some supplies. From the first to the last participant, there will be plenty of food and drinks.There will be a total of 11 water stations, 8 beverage and water stations, and 9 food supply stations, preparing 170,000 bottles of mineral water, 400,000 cups, nearly 70,000 bottles of sports drinks, 33,000 bananas, 10,000 boxes of cherry tomatoes, 30,000 energy gels, 16,000 energy bars, 3,300 packs of pickled mustard, 8,000 pieces of bread, and 16,000 salt tablets.

This year, there will also be special supplies not seen in other events, such as bananas and pineapples at the 12.5-kilometer mark, probiotic milk at the 17.5-kilometer mark, cake and bread at the 22.5-kilometer mark, nine-fruit juice at the 27.5-kilometer mark, and ice cream and eel bacon hand rolls at the 32.5-kilometer mark. It is worth mentioning that this year's bananas will be provided by a company that has sponsored the Tokyo Marathon for many years.

Special teams: This year also features 'Little Volunteers'

In 2017, a total of 6,000 volunteers participated in the Hanma event. This year, the organizing committee has expanded its cooperation with universities, collaborating with 17 universities and 2 social organizations to serve Hanma runners. So far, 7,200 volunteers have been recruited. They will serve in 76 positions, including guiding and maintaining order, environmental protection, timing, recovery services, and doping testing.

Compared to the previous two years, this year's volunteers not only increased in number but also became more diverse. More and more people are actively participating in volunteer services, fully reflecting the growing influence of Hanma. This year, three special groups have been added: the 'International Lei Feng' volunteer team from the International Culture College of Central China Normal University, the 'Little Volunteers' team composed entirely of elementary school students, and the Red Volunteer team composed of bureau-level cadres. They will serve participants at security checkpoints, the Hanma Expo, and along the race route.

Seven highlights of the 2018 Wuhan Marathon

Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge

This year, Hanma will once again run across the first railway and highway bridge built over the Yangtze River. At the 10-kilometer mark, the Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge will welcome 24,000 runners, with a view of the Yellow Crane Tower from across the river.

'A bridge flies across the north and south, turning a natural moat into a thoroughfare.' Since its completion and opening on October 15, 1957, the bridge has withstood seven major floods and 77 ship collisions, accompanying Wuhan through over 60 years of trials and tribulations. Last year, to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge, a special finisher's medal was designed. With the longest operational time, the largest volume, and the greatest load capacity, the Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge was included in the first batch of China's industrial heritage protection list in January 2018.

Jianghan Bridge

Since the second Hanma, the route has been changed from passing through Qingchuan Bridge to Jianghan Bridge on Wusheng Road. Built in 1956, Jianghan Bridge is the first large bridge over the Han River, the largest tributary of the Yangtze River, and is also known as Jianghan No. 1 Bridge. Together with the Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge, it forms a major transportation artery over the Yangtze River, connecting the 'First Street of the World' Hanzheng Street in the north with the Guqin Terrace in the south, where 'high mountains and flowing water seek kindred spirits.' While usually traversed by car, Hanma participants have the opportunity to measure it with their footsteps on race day.

Old Hankou charm

In the TV program 'Thirteen Billion Decibels,' Feng Xiang's Wuhan dialect version of 'Liu Du Bridge' evoked childhood memories for many Wuhan natives, who were moved to tears. This 'Green Bean Bridge,' which carries deep memories for the post-80s generation, was a bustling commercial area in old Wuhan before the 1990s, comparable to Nanjing Road in Shanghai. Although Liu Du Bridge was demolished in 2014 to make way for the construction of Wuhan Metro Line 6, this year's Hanma will pass by its original site, showcasing its new look. Additionally, the newly renovated Zhongshan Avenue and Minzhong Park are classic landmarks beloved by Wuhan residents.

East LakeWater floating

East Lake is the largest urban lake in Asia, with the East Lake Greenway connecting the Moshan, Tingtao, and Luoyan scenic areas. The latter half of the Hanma course will pass through the most scenic parts of the East Lake Greenway, including the Hushan Road and Huzhong Road themed greenways.

The East Lake Greenway is the most popular new destination for millions of university students in Wuchang this year. Surrounded by greenery, it is the first 5A-rated scenic greenway within an urban area in China. With open spaces showcasing mountains and water, hidden villages surrounded by forests, distinct seasonal landscapes, towering ecological trees, and layered arrangements of flowers, shrubs, and trees, participants will feel as if they are running through a natural painting of mountains, water, forests, and pavilions.

Screaming Tunnel

One of the most famous sections of the Boston Marathon is the 'Screaming Tunnel' at Wellesley College, where the entire student body lines the road, cheering and screaming continuously to encourage the runners.Hanma will create a similar 'Screaming Tunnel' in collaboration with Wuhan University along Donghu South Road, creating an unforgettable race atmosphere. Let's look forward to the decibel levels on race day.

Wuhan University cherry blossoms

Every March, Wuhan University attracts flower enthusiasts from across the country and around the world to its campus, creating a beautiful scene. The cherry blossoms at Wuhan University are mainly concentrated in the 'Cherry Garden,' surrounded by the early male dormitories and the old library, known as the 'Cherry Blossom Castle.'

Grand Slam runners

As the fourth stop of the China Marathon Grand Slam this season, the 2018 Hanma will see the birth of the first batch of Grand Slam runners. All registered members of the China Marathon Grand Slam who complete the full marathon in the first four stops of the 2017-2018 season will be crowned with Grand Slam glory after the 2018 Hanma.

Created: 2018-04-13 06:23:30