jangle 50km giving up is easy but sticking with it is really cool


There are some paths that high heels cannot tread.

There are some scents that perfume cannot mask.

There are some people you will never meet in an office building.

What should life be like in your twenties?

"I want to walk, to run, to see the scenery. I want to love, to hate, to remember everything. I want to shout, to scream, to cry my heart out. I want to let go, to be brave, to not wait. It's all the same, go ahead, why wait for the next life."

I think everyone has their own destination in their heart, and it's worth persevering for, including the most ordinary you and me.


△ Photo by Sheng Yupi

1. The pit you dig yourself, you must fill yourself.

We always have many concerns, but we also want to be willful once in a while.

As someone who is extremely afraid of heat, every summer I think about shaving my head and becoming a nun. Even to take out the trash, I must use an umbrella. So, from April to August every year, I can only watch the events silently.

If the April Chaigu Tangsi was my anticipation and longing for my first wild 50km, then the May Jiang Le was definitely a stubborn Taurus hitting a wall after willfully digging a pit.


The weekend before Chaigu Tangsi, I went for a 35km mountain training with a few friends. The 2000m climb left us breathless, but the scenery at the top was stunning. During the hike, I chatted with a 100km runner-up about the Jiang Le trail race. "I heard it was very hot last year!" "Last year was in July, this year it's two months earlier, it won't be that hot!" "I'm very afraid of snakes in the summer." "The pros will clear the way, the snakes will be scared off, you won't encounter them, don't worry." "But I'm very afraid of getting tanned, if I turn dark, I won't find a boyfriend." "Jiang Le has a lot of shade, the scenery is even more beautiful than what we saw today, I'll send you pictures when we get back." Emmm... Unable to resist beautiful scenery, I impulsively signed up the next day, digging a pit for myself.


What concerned me the most was always the temperature on May 5th in Jiang Le.

On April 19th, it was forecasted to be 25°C with light rain, a bit too warm, I'm afraid of heat.

On April 22nd, it was forecasted to be 27°C with light rain, how great it would be if it were five degrees cooler.

On April 26th, it was forecasted to be 30°C with light rain, I started to feel a bit desperate.

On April 30th, it was forecasted to be 31°C and cloudy, two people in the group dropped out, I thought my headlamp hadn't arrived yet, which seemed like a good reason to drop out too.

On May 3rd, it was forecasted to be 32°C and partly cloudy, I was ready to drop out, but the other runners in the group had packed their bags and bought herbal cooling drinks.

Checking the weather forecast over and over, I had second thoughts again and again.

In the end, on the morning of May 4th, I still boarded the train from Xiamen to Jiang Le. Where did my courage come from? Was it responsibility? Was it love? Actually, it was just the stubbornness of a Taurus.

2. From Jiang Le station, all you see are green mountains.

When the train arrived at Jiang Le station, the first thing I saw upon exiting was a sea of green mountains.

The organizing committee thoughtfully arranged shuttle buses for the participants. While waiting for the bus, I greeted fellow runners from various places and took my first group photo in Jiang Le. It was a unique kind of camaraderie among strangers. Rather than strangers, it felt more like fellow travelers, how wonderful.



The temperature in Jiang Le was much higher than in Xiamen. The experience of collecting gear under the scorching sun was not pleasant. I started to feel anxious: with this temperature and this blazing sun, what should I do tomorrow? After a nap, I woke up to find the sky mischievously raining.

The technical meeting in Jiang Le is a place worth visiting.

Holding a bowl of Lei Cha, listening to the "Lei Cha Ballad," learning about the long history and scenic spots of Jiang Le, I felt like a tourist, temporarily forgetting all the tension and unease.


△ Photo by GaryMonkey

The highlight of the technical meeting was a chubby and somewhat cute director explaining the Jiang Le course to us. He was very impressive, and I listened attentively, but still didn't fully understand. After all, I'm still a newbie in this trail running pit, lacking experience with data and terrain. At that time, I didn't know what I would experience the next day, how profound it would be.

3. Joy in an instant, pain in the process

On May 5th, the 100km race had already started at 6 am with the dawn, while the 50km race starting at 8 am felt a bit too late. We stored our bags, took photos, and excitedly danced to the music, waiting for a brand new and unknown journey.


△ Photo by GaryMonkey

From the starting point to CP1 was a flat road of over 4km. The real challenge began after CP1, with an 800m climb and an 800m descent. The rain-soaked mountain road added some difficulty, but it wasn't much. For me, the 33°C high temperature was the biggest obstacle. By the time I reached CP2, I was almost exploding. I quickly poured myself a cup of cola, grabbed an ice pop, and hid in the tent, silently gnawing on it, my face flushed. My friend Beichen Xing, a volunteer at CP2, filled both my water bottles and placed a bowl of porridge in front of me. I hid in the tent for a long time, unwilling to set off again.


The route from CP2 to CP3 was a 6km farm road with a 728m climb, fully exposed to the sun. It was a bit despairing, a bit tear-inducing.

I really wanted to hide... I wished there were some corners in the world where we could hide at will. If I didn't want to see this overly enthusiastic sun, I could hide in a passerby's pocket, maybe find a piece of candy to make the journey sweeter.


△ Photo by Sheng Yupi

At CP3, a pretty girl volunteer excitedly ran over to take a photo with me, saying she liked me a lot during Chaigu. Other volunteers also came over. I found out she was a pro from Chaigu 100km. I really liked these warm-hearted volunteers, but I forgot to ask for her WeChat. (Sad face)


From CP3 to CP4, I didn't see anyone. I stumbled along, accompanied by lush forests, melodious bird songs, dancing butterflies and bees, steep cliffs, babbling streams, and a desolate, lonely heart.

Traveling alone, I realized how long and arduous this 50km was. I thought I would enjoy solitude, but I didn't expect to fear it so much. I especially missed the group of friends who accompanied me during Chaigu. It was a completely different experience.


△ Photo by Sheng Yupi

4. Giving up is easy, but persevering is really cool

After crossing mountains and rivers, I finally reached CP4. I calmed myself down first, surrounded by abundant supplies. The oranges were delicious, the nuts were tasty, the cola was refreshing... I had a premonition that after this supply point, I would face something significant.

The volunteers were extremely warm-hearted. They took photos with me, offered me a chair, sprayed me with Yunnan Baiyao, and repeatedly checked if I had enough water and supplies. They cared more about my backpack than I did.

A handsome volunteer told me they would be there until 9 pm. I suddenly felt very grateful. We could race smoothly and have supplies because they silently supported us behind the scenes.


Leaving CP4, I walked 2km under the scorching sun. The sun turned the dark green mountains into golden shadows, it was beautiful.

From 31km to 36km was a steep 1226m climb. From the foot of the mountain, I stubbornly refused to stop, even if my pace was slow, I kept pushing forward. Until I felt my strength was almost exhausted, my upper body nearly touching the ground, I took a proper rest to regain my energy.


△ Photo by Sheng Yupi

The high temperature and scorching sun made me retreat again and again. I wondered if I should quit, would I get heatstroke in the deep mountains? But I always hoped I could try a little harder because missing out is a sad thing! I drank a bottle of herbal cooling drink, my throat bitter. I couldn't count how many times I stopped to rest before finally reaching the top. Ten miles of green mountains, a stream of flowing water, it felt like walking through a painting.


△ Photo by Piao

After enduring CP5, night began to fall. Swarms of moths flew towards my headlamp in the forest. I waved my hands while looking for the path underfoot. This part felt very helpless. The headlamp illuminated the reflective strips swaying in the wind in the forest, the scene... Oh my, it really scared my little heart. Fortunately, I met a few runners along the way and we descended the mountain together. Under the bright moon and stars, we realized that "traveling under the stars" is a beautiful phrase.


△ Photo by Piao

Who set such a difficult question, with correct answers everywhere.

You can run faster to reach the finish line earlier. Or you can slow down and enjoy the scenery of Jiuxian Mountain.

You can keep moving without stopping because you have a goal in your heart. Or you can pause in the mountains, smell a flower, and wash your face with spring water.

You can cry because the journey is long, crossing mountains and rivers, your feet have blisters, and your knees ache. Or you can laugh because the air is fresh, the scenery is beautiful, and there's a photographer ahead.

This journey home is too far, I must be charming and strong.

I am often asked, how does such a gentle and quiet girl conquer 50km of mountains? I always joke that I rely on beauty and righteousness to keep running. But only we know how difficult each step is.


△ Photo by A Le

We always have many expectations, but we must also be certain of our choices. Strive to trek, strive to move forward in the gap between ideals and reality, strive to live up to ourselves, strive to live up to those who silently care about us. Perhaps this is what one needs to persist in. I think this is the power of faith.

5. Life is beautiful, like a fairy with a magic wand.

Stumbling down the mountain, streetlights, houses, and people came into view. I couldn't help but sigh, the country is so beautiful, it's great to be alive.

The moment you reach the finish line, it makes you feel that there really is magic in life.


It's hard to imagine how dejected I was during the emotional lows, how panicked I was when night fell, and how desperate I was when I almost gave up. The sincere praise and warm encouragement from the volunteers on the course lit up my heart like fireworks. Even now, thinking back, it was a grand, wonderful, and magical moment.

That was probably the most memorable part of this long journey, making me feel that fairies really hear your prayers, and that if you keep your wishes in mind, they will eventually come true.


△ Photo by A Le

Thanks to my good friend Yun Mu from afar, who kept track of my progress in real-time, wondering why I hadn't reached the finish line yet after passing CP5. When night fell and I was lost, he called to guide me. Thanks to Beichen Xing for handing me a drink after I crossed the finish line. This kind of old friend's waiting and greeting is really heartwarming.

I am so grateful, so lucky. These deeply touching moments healed all the previous pain and struggle, making me believe the world is spiritual and beautiful, and that I am blessed. I believe that many years later, when I look back at these moments, I will still be moved and gain strength from them.


△ Photo by GaryMonkey

The article is finished, should I say "see you next year"?

I shudder at the thought of the high temperature and scorching sun.

But what if it's for the scenery I want to see and the people I want to meet?

Then, I am willing.

*The copyright of this article belongs to the author. Unauthorized reproduction is prohibited.
The article only represents the author's views and does not represent Codoon's opinion.

Created: 2018-05-18 03:34:57