lanma race not eligible for prize money and exposed to the elements what is it all for


Being one of the participants in the 2018 Lanzhou Marathon is very fortunate. This year marks the first year that the Lanzhou Marathon has officially entered the double gold era, simultaneously holding the titles of the IAAF's 'Gold Label Road Race' and the Chinese Athletics Association's 'Gold Medal Event'..

Among the many marathons I've run, some are unanimously considered the most beautiful courses due to their regional characteristics, some host a thousand-person hotpot gathering after the race, and some offer views of magnificent snow-capped mountains on high-altitude courses. The beauty of the Yellow River's shores and the 'double gold event' status achieved through seven years of hard work make me full of anticipation for the Lanzhou Marathon.

When I left Chengdu, it was still drizzling, but upon landing in Lanzhou and seeing the blue sky and white clouds, my mood brightened. Smiling Lanzhou Marathon volunteers greeted us at the airport with signs and thoughtfully informed us of the ways to reach the city center. After a journey of over an hour, we finally arrived in downtown Lanzhou. The moment we entered the city, we could strongly feel the details of a city serving a marathon feast: all the streetlight flags on both sides of the street bore the slogan 'A Better Life Starts with Running'; the city rail transit's beautified barriers designed for the Lanzhou Marathon; and the morning glories on both sides of the Jinyan Bridge were particularly splendid under the sunlight, as if welcoming all the runners.

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Before the race, I followed the official WeChat public account and bookmarked the Lanzhou Marathon's electronic participation guide. This way, I could check the material collection process, assembly routes, race procedures, and precautions on my phone. The material collection point for the Lanzhou Marathon is at the International Convention and Exhibition Center, with separate areas for the full and half marathons inside the venue. Before entering the material collection area, you need to show the security personnel the material collection slip or participation SMS printed in advance from the official website. The logistics flow inside the venue is smooth and clear, with a dedicated information desk in the center to answer runners' questions.

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The Lanzhou Marathon participation package is full of sincerity. First, the marathon race shirts are pre-washed, in green tones with the golden 'MARATHON' lettering, making it a unique symbol of the first double gold Lanzhou Marathon. Secondly, I think the most collectible item is the hand-drawn map of the Lanzhou Marathon. The front side depicts the entire course, marking all the characteristic scenic spots along the way, while the back side features a travel guide blending Lanzhou's local customs, recommending places to eat, drink, and have fun, making the 'travel with running shoes' service for participants perfect.


Lanzhou has an altitude of about 1,500 meters. To better adapt to the marathon environment, I put on my running shoes and climbed Baita Mountain early the morning before the race. The dense trees and winding paths led to the highest point, offering a panoramic view of the city and the meandering Mother River. Walking across the century-old Yellow River Iron Bridge, the different styles of large waterwheels on the south bank of the Yellow River turned slowly. Feeling tired, I enjoyed a bowl of the famous beef noodles with some side dishes, feeling a sense of happiness.


The start and finish points of the Lanzhou Marathon are at the International Convention and Exhibition Center, with the race starting at 7:30. After breakfast, I took the shuttle bus arranged by the organizing committee to the main venue. The storage and retrieval areas for clothes were inside the venue, organized by race number segments, and the scene was orderly. Even with 40,000 participants, it didn't feel crowded. There were restrooms at both ends of the venue's corridors, but long queues were unavoidable. Many participants didn't know there were mobile restrooms outside the venue, and a volunteer's reminder could save them more time.

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On June 10, the race day, the temperature was quite high. From the start, the sun shone unreservedly on the course. Fortunately, some sections had dense trees on both sides providing shade. The Lanzhou Marathon course is set along both banks of the Yellow River. When running on the Yantan Yellow River Bridge, known as the 'First Rainbow Bridge of the Yellow River in Lanzhou,' many participants couldn't resist taking photos. This is one of Lanzhou's iconic buildings. When reaching the square with the statue of Huo Qubing's Western Expedition, over 300 enthusiasts of the 42-style Tai Chi sword performed simultaneously, echoing the charging soldiers around the general's pedestal, feeling the collision of history and modernity.

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It is worth mentioning the cooling measures of the Lanzhou Marathon. Besides the cooling sponges at the supply points, the mist cannon trucks set up on the course were very effective. Interestingly, when the water mist collided with the sunlight, a cute little rainbow appeared on the course, bringing both coolness and surprise to the participants. The latter half of the course is the most testing for participants' endurance. Slower participants have a greater need for cooling, and the sun's rays reach their peak. The Lanzhou Marathon generously set up spray points along the way, with one every 2km from the 28km mark.

Living in the south, I was somewhat sensitive to the northwest environment despite doing adaptation training before the race. My throat always felt dry while running, so I hydrated at every supply point. The full marathon course had a rich supply of items, including washed cucumbers, sliced bananas, energy gels, and salt pills, ensuring timely replenishment of energy in the latter half of the race.

It is often said that the marathon truly begins at 30km. In the first 20-plus kilometers, there were enthusiastic cheers from the audience, spectacular kung fu fan performances, and energetic cheerleading performances, which kept my nerves excited and unconsciously increased my pace. However, by 30km, the soreness in my legs became more pronounced, and I started to think about stopping to walk and then run again.

At this moment, a participant in a wheelchair, challenging the marathon with his hands, passed by me. Another participant was running alongside him, helping him with water. Such a scene on the course was very inspiring. Measuring the distance with wheels and hands, I could feel their confident and positive attitude, showcasing the charm of the marathon.

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I really like a saying, 'Whether it's the pain of 21 kilometers or 42 kilometers, it all disappears before crossing the finish line arch.' When the volunteer hung the 'double gold double heart' finisher's medal, weighing over 400 grams, around my neck, I felt that all the sweat was worth it. The medal is designed with two medals, an outer medal embedded with an inner medal. The surface and inner wall of the medal are made of gold matte material, highlighting Lanzhou's nickname 'Golden City' and the Lanzhou Marathon's 'double gold.' Inside, a medal featuring elements of Lanzhou's waterwheel and Taiping drum is embedded, highlighting Lanzhou's 'City of Waterwheels' characteristic and the meaning of 'peace and prosperity.' I believe the medal has high collectible value and is very commemorative.

Returning to the post-race functional area inside the convention center, there were nearly 500 volunteers next to the bag retrieval area, providing stretching and relaxation services for finishers. I had a 3km journey from the main venue back to the hotel. After crossing the Jinyan Bridge, I could take Lanzhou's travel special bus back. While waiting for the bus, I met two elderly men in their 70s wearing race shirts. Curious about their finish times, they replied it was three hours and forty minutes, and they had been running for 30 years. Their achievement made me feel ashamed. The elderly men also encouraged me, saying, 'Young people, keep it up!'


In the evening, I prepared to return to Chengdu, ending my Lanzhou Marathon journey. At the airport, I encountered many participants who had just finished the marathon. Although we didn't know each other, we could recognize each other by our walking postures and healthy leg muscles. We exchanged smiles, feeling the unique friendliness and common bond among runners. In the waiting hall, I heard someone chatting, saying, 'Flying such a long way just to run a marathon, without winning any prize money and enduring the sun and wind, it's hard to understand.' I smiled, thinking that those who don't love this sport may never understand the joy of runners.

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Created: 2018-06-15 05:45:15