The black of the black cat: not the next someone, only the first me

After winning the championship of Running Girl in 2016, Black Cat Hei, a female SWAT officer with a perfect figure who loves running, gradually came into the public eye. Subsequently, a photo of the 'Xima Superwoman' made Black Cat famous in the running community. No matter where she ran, she always attracted everyone's attention...

She transformed from a female SWAT officer to a muscular Barbie.

At the age of 16, weighing only 90 pounds and frail, Black Cat joined the Falcon Commando female SWAT team. From then on, her tomboy nature was fully revealed. She mastered high-difficulty subjects such as shooting, rappelling, combat, light machine guns, and advanced driving. For five years, she endured hardships, crawling and rolling, risking her life.

When she left the military base in Beijing, she weighed 115 pounds and could only be described as solidly built, not to mention her large face.

To lose weight, she, like many others, chose to run and control her diet. Initially, the results were good; she lost weight to 105 pounds in less than three months. However, various problems also arose, such as constant hunger, fatigue, and poor sleep quality. So, at the age of 21, she began systematic fitness training combined with a scientific diet. In just three months, her weight was stably controlled at around 100 pounds.

Thus, she insisted on getting up early every day for aerobic training, rain or shine, to awaken a new self each day and keep her energy full. She trained twice a day, each session lasting 2 hours, pushing herself to exhaustion every time. She did core circuit training for her glutes, legs, chest, back, shoulders, and arms, leaving nothing out. She began to develop enviable abs, a V-shaped torso that even men desired, and beautiful arm lines...

She even won third place in the Bikini B group at the International Fitness and Bodybuilding Championships. They say that one minute on stage requires ten years of practice off stage. What she put in was far more than you can imagine.

She is the 'Xima Superwoman'.

After falling in love with running, Black Cat also became enthusiastic about participating in marathons. Fellow runners affectionately called her Brother Cat. In the 2017 Wuxi Marathon, a photo taken by a photographer went viral in the running community, attracting the attention of hundreds of thousands of runners. Many runners have probably seen it; she is Brother Cat.

Speaking of the Xima battle suit, it was actually a spur-of-the-moment decision. Just as she was about to wash up and go to bed, she felt something was missing. After looking it over, she borrowed scissors from the hotel service center and made a few cuts to create the look you saw on the track.

She said that if you want to do something you like, you should go for it. Why care about what others think or say? She doesn't have the face of an internet celebrity, and even after becoming one, she continued to enjoy her weekend races without any changes. She always practiced 'running freely and beautifully.' Fellow runners who encountered her on the track knew that she had scars on her face and body from her special forces training and missions. She never shied away from or concealed them because they were her experiences and her glory.

Actually, this wasn't Brother Cat's first marathon. She loved running and just wanted to appreciate a city through a marathon and make more like-minded friends. Regarding the title of 'Xima Superwoman,' Brother Cat said:

'If it can get more people to join running and pay attention to marathons, then it's worth it.'

She is a female anchor with over a billion likes per month.

To better share her fitness and running experiences with Codoon fans, Brother Cat hosts a 90-minute live broadcast of 'Black Cat Arrives' every Wednesday at 9 PM on Codoon.

If one were to describe her live broadcast in one sentence, it might be 'suitable for all ages during tea time.' In this era of live broadcasts driven by eyeball economics, she doesn't follow the trend and seems out of place. Some say her live broadcast is a breath of fresh air in the industry; others say it's the only one they watch. But she doesn't think much about it. Her goal is simple:

'Just want to bring more people to exercise together! Sweat together! Get better together!'

For this goal, no matter where she is, she always remembers the Wednesday appointment, appearing on time and never missing it. She explains all the essential knowledge, even preparing the live content in advance every week and answering everyone's questions seriously. She doesn't rely on looks, doesn't push boundaries, doesn't seek attention; everything is based on solving fans' problems. She even buys prizes for fans out of her own pocket...

Because she has only one goal:

To lead more people to join in the exercise!

She has always been a serious runner.

In the past two years of running, Brother Cat has participated in over 80 offline events.Brother Cat



'I have always been a serious runner.'Once,in 24 hours,she completed3 cities,2 full marathons, and one 10krun,totaling100k of road running;

She has been an official pacer for dozens of marathons, including the Wuhan Marathon and Shenzhen Marathon, leading tens of thousands of runners to the finish line;

She has been invited to serve as an ambassador, special guest, and official coach for marathon training camps at many events, running alongside Olympic champions and celebrities;

She even successfully brought home a small bronze man from the Hong Kong 100 and stood on the podium with trail running champions.


Not long ago, Brother Cat also became an official pacer for the Beijing Bird's Nest Half Marathon. This was also a tribute for her. In 2008, she was a SWAT officer, protecting the health of the Olympics and Paralympics with a special identity. Ten years later, in 2018, she transformed from a short-haired 'tomboy' to a ponytailed 'bunny.' Ten years have made her a better self.

'Don't live as a girl should; live out the brilliance we like.'

She and the 'Black Cat Family' grew together.


She said she is a captain pushed forward by the family members of the 'Black Cat Family' running group. For two years, she has been moving forward with their 100% support, companionship, and influence, never missing daily check-ins, offline event meetups, running group anniversaries, and member birthday surprises. This is how the 'Black Cat Family' running group almost wins the Codoon sports group championship every week.


Next month, they will organize their first 300-person boutique training race in Qingdao, as well as the Qingdao International Beach Festival, coastal marathon events, and more. She is also the captain of the CCTV5 Love Running Group. She said she wants to bring the best experience, sense of belonging, and honor to every member.

This is Black Cat Hei,She is the CEO of an IT company, the secretary of a party branch, the founder of a public welfare activity center that has persisted for over ten years with more than 5,000 volunteers, a teacher and 'mother' to children in poor areas, a columnist, and, coming from a musical family, she is proficient in piano, saxophone, clarinet, and other instruments... She has countless possibilities, waiting to be challenged and unlocked one by one.

If you also have dreams,

If you also have many talents to showcase,

If you also want to become the shining star on stage,


Changan New Energy CS75PHEV

2018 Running Girl Season 4 is waiting for you!

Shining Outstanding!

Run out and shine! Show your dazzling self!

Created: 2018-06-21 07:43:53