nationwide fitness tour meets qingdao continues coastal charm


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On June 30, 2018, the Phicomm 2018 National Fitness Tour Qingdao Station kicked off at the Qingdao Expo Park, with over 2,000 Qingdao citizens joining the 10-kilometer fun run.

Wei Lai, Director of the Vocational Skills Appraisal Management Department of the Human Resources Development Center of the General Administration of Sport, Jiang Wenshen, Deputy Director of the Qingdao Sports Bureau, and Sun Dingpeng, Assistant General Manager of Qingdao Expo International Tourism Development Co., Ltd., attended the event. Gymnastics Olympic champion and founder of Codoon Sports, Chen Yibing, and rowing Olympic champion Xi Aihua served as lead runners, starting the race with Qingdao citizens.


High enthusiasm for public participation

The National Fitness Tour has been coming to Qingdao annually since 2013. This year marks the sixth time it has visited the city, becoming a highly anticipated annual fitness carnival for Qingdao residents.


As soon as registration opened, Qingdao citizens showed great interest and shared the event widely. Within just two days, the event was fully booked, reflecting the high enthusiasm for fitness among the public.

Many participants mentioned that they have joined the National Fitness Tour multiple times, praising the event for encouraging people to exercise, which is beneficial for health. They hope the event continues in Qingdao, allowing more citizens to participate.


Continuous upgrade of event services

Unlike previous years, this year's running route was upgraded from 5 kilometers to 10 kilometers, moving towards a more professional direction. Additionally, event services were enhanced with 2 supply stations and 4 medical rescue stations along the route, providing participants with bread, bananas, and drinking water. Medical stations were equipped with professional AED rescue personnel.




The organizing committee also arranged nearly 60 security personnel to ensure the safety of the event. To prevent heatstroke, two giant cooling fans were placed along the track to provide cool breezes for the participants.


At the finish line, there were special photo frames for participants to take pictures, and they could scan a QR code to print their photos. As the event's influence grows each year, the upgraded services provide strong support for the participants.


Olympic champions personally support

Having champions lead the run is a unique feature of the National Fitness Tour. This time, the lead guests were gymnastics Olympic champion Chen Yibing and rowing Olympic champion Xi Aihua. Before the start, they interacted joyfully with the audience and led warm-up exercises, greatly enhancing the event's atmosphere.

Chen Yibing is also the founder of Codoon Sports, which, as one of the co-organizers of the Phicomm 2018 National Fitness Tour, provided professional scientific fitness services for the event.


Following the launch ceremony in Beijing and the event in Shanghai earlier this year, Chen Yibing once again participated in the Phicomm 2018 National Fitness Tour, running the entire 10 kilometers with the participants, demonstrating his strong support for the event.

The Phicomm 2018 National Fitness Tour Qingdao Station was organized by the Human Resources Development Center of the General Administration of Sport and the Vocational Skills Appraisal Guidance Center of the General Administration of Sport, exclusively promoted and operated by Beijing Zhongti Management Co., Ltd., co-organized by the Qingdao Sports Bureau, Qingdao Sports Federation, Qingdao Expo (Group) Co., Ltd., and Beijing Codoon Sports Development Co., Ltd., with Phicomm as the exclusive title sponsor for the year. Codoon and Shaklee (China) Co., Ltd. supported this event.

Created: 2018-07-03 11:04:05