zhou shanshan: bringing warmth! gaoligong is wonderful because of you

A 100-kilometer-level trail running race is a daunting challenge for most people. However, regardless of success or failure, the moment they step onto the starting line of the Gaoligong Super Trail By UTMB®, they are all heroes! In this grueling race, a small incident warmed everyone's hearts. It showed us that at the Gaoligong Super Trail By UTMB®, besides beautiful scenery, there are also heartwarming stories!

Two hours after the start of the Gaoligong Super Trail By UTMB® RCE group (125KM), elite female runner Dong Minfei withdrew at the 35-kilometer mark due to illness, as she had caught a cold before the race. Shortly after, Gu Taojun, the 2017 Four Sisters Mountain Trail Race 60KM champion, also announced her withdrawal. RCE group runner number 1109, Zhou Shanshan, experienced a sharp decline from ninth place after 27 hours of extreme trail running due to physical discomfort, even facing the possibility of being disqualified.

When Zhou Shanshan reached Lichaiba, just 13 kilometers from the finish line, her heart rate became extremely high due to altitude sickness and other factors, making every step a struggle. Considering her physical condition, she even thought about quitting. The CP point leader at Lichaiba, upon hearing about Zhou Shanshan's situation, felt it was a pity for her to quit so close to the finish line due to physical reasons. Led by the station leader, volunteers patiently persuaded Zhou Shanshan to continue, which made her abandon the idea of quitting. However, given her poor physical state, completing the last 13 kilometers alone was no easy task. Thus, a touching scene unfolded during the race...

Before coming to Gaoligong, Zhou Shanshan had just finished the Hong Kong 100. Considering her condition was still good, she did not make any preparations before the race, only to be caught off guard by the Gaoligong race. The race proved that she had severely underestimated the difficulty of the course and had not considered the weather in Tengchong, the high altitude, and the actual road conditions. After persevering for 30 hours, 13 minutes, and 52 seconds, Zhou Shanshan finally crossed the finish line before the cutoff time with the encouragement of volunteers, completing the 125KM journey. There is never a shortage of heroes on Gaoligong Mountain, but at that moment, Zhou Shanshan and the volunteers were the heroes of the Gaoligong race.

Running is the best release.

Zhou Shanshan first got into running events in 2015 when she saw a training camp by CBN and impulsively joined. As an advertising professional, Zhou Shanshan couldn't avoid the fate of working overtime. But no matter how busy work was, she always made time for running training. In her words, 'Advertising is a mental job, while running is a physical one. The state of mental relaxation during running allows the brain to relax better.'

In her three years of running, she has not only run through the famous mountains of Guangzhou but also participated in various running events of all sizes. Besides the Hong Kong 100 and the Gaoligong race, she has also run the 2017 Beijing TNF100, the 2017 Hong Kong Oxfam Trailwalker, and the 2018 Shenzhen Wutong Mountain Trail Race.

May you travel a hundred miles and return as a youth.

The Gaoligong Super Trail By UTMB® was not Zhou Shanshan's first 100-kilometer-level trail run, but it was her first race exceeding 100 kilometers. At the beginning of 2018, Zhou Shanshan completed the Hong Kong 100 in 15 hours, 58 minutes, and 40 seconds, earning the 'Little Golden Man' award. As a landmark event in the trail running community, the Hong Kong 100 does not differentiate by gender or age; only those who finish within 16 hours can receive the 'Little Golden Man.' Zhou Shanshan's achievement proves she is a deserving elite female trail runner. However, even for experts, the 'bumpy' Gaoligong course is full of uncertainties.

On weekends, while others are sleeping in or socializing, Zhou Shanshan has already begun her arduous journey on the Gaoligong race. During the most painful moments, she questioned why she abandoned her comfortable bed and traveled so far to suffer in the desolate mountains. Her experience in Gaoligong was so tough that she felt like crying but had no tears. She even considered quitting the running community after the race. However, when asked if she would participate in the Gaoligong race again, Zhou Shanshan seriously said she would think about it carefully. If she participates again, she might try the MGU group because the MGU bell attracts her.

A fellow runner from Zhou Shanshan's running group said that her state is something all runners experience. When they see a race, they impulsively sign up, then endure various 'thrilling' self-torture during the race, finally gritting their teeth to finish and feeling moved by their own perseverance. After the race, they swear never to run trail races again, but as soon as they see a good race, their honest bodies immediately sign up again.

Top-level event, high-level experience.

The Gaoligong Super Trail By UTMB® 2018 is hailed as the highest-level international trail running event in China. For all runners, it is not only a dream trail feast but also an extremely dangerous and brutal race. Located on the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, Tengchong has large temperature differences between day and night, high cumulative elevation gain on the course, and high humidity and miasma in the primeval forest. Trail warriors must overcome an 8,000-meter elevation gain, cope with unpredictable weather, and traverse the rugged and winding Tea Horse Road to reach the finish line. However, this race also caused many participants to feel unwell, leading to a high dropout rate. Out of 1,383 participants in the Gaoligong Super Trail By UTMB® 2018, only 745 managed to finish, with a dropout rate of 46.1%.

On the beautiful Gaoligong Mountain, the dashing runners are always the most striking sight on the course. But outside the race, the 'guardians' and the simple villagers are also participants and witnesses of Gaoligong. They are like a different kind of 'rainbow,' active in and out of the race, becoming another beautiful scenery of Gaoligong.

On Gaoligong Mountain, we have witnessed the ancient mountains and rivers of billions of years, as well as the sincere and pure hearts!Because of your participation, the Gaoligong Super Trail By UTMB® is so thrilling and exciting. Salute to all the runners! Salute to all the volunteers and service personnel!

Created: 2018-11-12 16:00:00