lake mirror volcanic lava battle in a painting

In the southeastern part of the northeastern region of our country, there is a small city called Mudanjiang. A song of the same name by Nan Quan Mama has made more people vaguely aware of this place, and the ancient Bohai Kingdom and the Shangjing ruins have given this small city a deeper historical heritage.

Mudanjiang is a national-level tourist city, with Snow Town in winter and Jingpo Lake in summer. Jingpo Lake is a volcanic lava dammed lake on the main stream of the Mudan River. It is a national 5A-level tourist attraction and the second largest alpine dammed lake in the world.Dammed lake.In addition to the famous Diaoshuilou Waterfall and the vast lake surface, the lake area also has large tracts of virgin forest and tree-lined roads. Walking through it, you can take deep breaths of fresh air, as if you are walking in a painting.

Our Mudanjiang running group's goddess team arrived at the scenic spot under the guise of exploring the route, but it was actually a collective vacation-style FB.

After checking into the exclusive large villa, we couldn't wait to start our photo journey.

From the photos, it looks like we had a great time and took lots of happy pictures, but the result of the route exploration was quite unsettling.

Due to the volcanic terrain, the lake area is full of undulating terrain, with the race track being one slope after another, many with gradients exceeding 30 degrees. Continuous rainfall in recent days had left deep water on the track, and we saw armed police soldiers stacking sandbags and cleaning the road while picking up our gear.

Due to the excessive water on the road, we received a notification to change the race track after dinner. The backup track starts from the north gate of the scenic area with two kilometers of flat road, then begins a continuous uphill for five kilometers, followed by more undulating slopes. We revised our plans and started a new round of photo-taking.

Thanks to the equipment sponsorship from Mudanjiang Dekang Packaging Machinery, the goddess team chose theCodoon Ultra-light T-shirt, weighing only 30 grams, so light it feels like nothing in your hand, and fits comfortably on the body. Describing it as thin as cicada wings is not an exaggeration. The previously untried tender pink color melted the hearts of many of the older sisters, and beautiful photos are coming, so get ready to wipe your drool.

While waiting for the starting gun, the Codoon pink T-shirt earned us plenty of attention. We were treated like human background walls, with one group after another asking for photos.

Having a general understanding of the track, I kept reminding myself to control my pace after the start, as more energy would be needed later. Initially, a few of us planned to jog together, but we were separated by the crowd within two kilometers. Near the two-kilometer mark, I heard someone say, 'Let's run with Director Ye today,' and turned to see a handsome guy from our running group. Knowing his pace, I joined the crowd with him. We soon entered the uphill section, meeting many familiar running friends along the way. Although I didn't speed up, I kept overtaking more people.

The usual hill training and muscle strength exercises played a crucial role at this time. Uphill, I controlled my rhythm without slowing down; downhill, I conserved energy without speeding up. On the return section, seeing the top runners fly by on the opposite side, I felt a sense of admiration and respect.

Volunteers on the track thoughtfully held water and drinks for the runners to replenish, and bananas were handed to the athletes in segments. Along the way, the most common cheers from the audience were 'Go Pink Bunny' and 'Only three kilometers left, keep going.'

Some might say we are just showy and look good, but what they don't know is that the best full marathon time in our goddess team is 4 hours and 5 minutes, ranking sixth in the event, and the best half marathon time is 1 hour and 36 minutes, ranking seventh. We also have ultra-marathon and trail running athletes, and everyone completed the race. The seemingly easy appearance is the result of daily sweat and relentless effort. Love life, so let's exercise together.

Mountains on the lake, water on the mountains, the northern scenery surpasses the south. Jingpo Marathon, see you next year.

Created: 2018-09-11 07:40:53