xi jia little chongqing womens half marathon heart rate off the charts record

"Xijia, watermelon, slipping on the peel, sliding away"

Written before the post:

The race is over, and now I have to start writing a paper... uh, no, a post... Although I have a lot to say, I don't feel like writing because everyone who knows me knows that when I write, it's like writing a thesis, verbose and tiring.


"Still, go compete"

I thought I was past the age of running races for medals, but the women's half marathon on the 28th tripped me up again. It's like going from wanting to run every race to only running a few good ones.

▲ Then this medal was coveted by someone"Not loyal"(bold here), in Chengdu next door, not coming to Chongqing to take photosXiao Qiye(bold) coveted it from before the race to after. Betting on"Chief Editor Queen of Xiao Qi Support Group"with the long title, I went to run.

Back to the main topic, a week before the race, I decided not to participate because my injury had just healed for a month. Although it was mostly recovered, my fitness level had dropped to what it was two years ago. It's not that I don't pursue speed; it's just that my strength isn't there anymore. [PS: I always feel that some people who say they don't pursue results (excluding those who genuinely run for health) actually do put in effort during races, but it's because their strength isn't enough... Sorry for being blunt, and then calling it "Buddhist running." PS: No other meaning here, just that it seems like at some point, talking about running for results became taboo, as if it was too utilitarian.Within one's ability, developing more potential and running for results isn't bad. The premise is that this thought shouldn't become the primary or sole focus. After all, running well requires correct effort and hard work.

For example, are you willing to train intervals until you feel like vomiting...】

▲ Here's a flower for you, go jump in the river

And I didn't want to just go through the motions, so I decided not to race. Until a few days ago, I suddenly thought, if I run the half marathon on the 28th, it would complete my 315KM goal for the month. Thinking that I usually have to find places to train, it would be foolish not to use this ready-made training track.And the main reason I didn't want to race was that I couldn't return to my previous level. But so what?Just treat it as training through racing. The mindset, the ability to get back up after failing, is the most important. Talking about this with my friend Xiaocun Chun was very enlightening. So I decided to take the first step to get back up.

"Codoon watch ran out of battery, can't recognize anyone at a glance"

Giving up the idea of running for results made me feel much lighter. Before the race, I told my 145 pacer from last year, Brother Chunqiu, and Brother Zhang that I wouldn't be chasing them this year, and I felt a bit regretful.

Before the race, I received a Codoon sports watch sent by Xiao Codoon and bought a pair of Dowei 9116 War God series shoes, thinking to test the new shoes and watch during the race.

Got up early, and before leaving, I realized the Codoon watch was out of battery... so the test was ruined. The Dowei shoes still felt the same, light and solid, giving me some confidence. Left at 6 AM, took a cab, and arrived at the Sheraton in less than twenty minutes.

Wearing shorts and a thin skin jacket, I shivered in the early morning light rain, thinking, "Why did I come so early when my home is so close to the race point..."

Not knowing anyone, with few people around, the early morning sky was gray and dark, with only the thin light of the race venue.

▲ 145 pacer Brother Chunqiu

Until I met Little Mushroom, whom I knew from last year when I was a pacer. After a brief chat, I stored my bag and went to the starting area.

▲ And 10KM 45-minute pacer Brother Jiang Hao

"Dowei is slippery, heart rate off the charts"

Maybe it had been a long time since I participated in a half marathon. Looking at the beautiful figures in the starting area and listening to the rhythmic warm-up music, I felt a rare excitement. After taking photos with a few familiar pacers, I waited for the gun to go off.

Crossing the timing mat, the race began.

However... unexpectedly, just after starting, I realized"Oh no, the shoes are slippery"...

I always wore Dowei shoes for races, and it just so happened that it never rained during those races... but this morning, it had rained lightly, making the ground wet.

I was also slipping on the wet ground. The pace for the first mile was over four minutes,"My feet can't grip, it's so slippery, my goodness, no traction"I was so frustrated that I laughed. I had to choose the relatively dry side of the road.

Slipping while trying to stabilize my footing, my rhythm was disrupted, and my energy consumption increased. Then I suddenly felt something was wrong:FatigueThis was the first time I felt such deep fatigue in a half marathon.

A sense of foreboding (it seems this year, my premonitions have been frequent and accurate) came over me.

Less than ten kilometers in, my heart rate soared, and my legs felt heavy. I thought: first, my recent training volume increased, and recovery was insufficient. Second, I had done strength training two days before (this was my mistake, as I usually only pay attention to tapering and stopping core strength training before a full marathon). Third, it might be related to my recent diet.

To be precise, it started after 4KM, and by 5KM+ on the return leg, it appeared. This was the first time I experienced this in so many races and daily training:8KM and I wanted to quit, no way...

▲ So, I became my own meme

Thinking back, if I had really quit, it would have left a shadow worse than an injury.

Xijia might really turn into a watermelon. I didn't dare look at my heart rate, but I couldn't ignore my body's reactions. After enduring ten kilometers, the crowd thinned, and I started thinking of ways to lower my heart rate. (As it turned out, my heart rate had soared to 190 when I later checked my watch...)


"Hydration to lower heart rate"

In daily and race half marathons, I never needed much hydration, but now I was grateful for the hydration points where I could stop and drink some water. These ten-plus seconds of rest helped lower my heart rate.

After 13KM, I started to find my rhythm again, my heart rate slowed down, and my legs regained strength.

I cheered on familiar runners passing by and thought about my own issues.

A different feeling arose in my heart: unlike the defeat at the Beijing Marathon, this race made me somewhat happy. The result was secondary; maybe I found a clear answer.

The mist along the river on Nanbin Road made me feel light and relaxed, with the cool breeze neither cold nor chilly.

I didn't know how much time had passed when, near the turnaround point, a familiar voice shouted, "Hey, ***! Run faster!" It was Uncle Wu cheering on the fast runners.

"Okay, okay!" At that moment, I felt like a student caught daydreaming by the teacher. I snapped back to focus and continued forward.

The remaining 6KM on the return leg was much easier, and I felt liberated. A few sips of sports drink, a few sips of water to clear my mouth, and finally, I held a mouthful of water, planning to spit it out. Thus, I became another walking meme. I should be grateful the photographer didn't capture the moment I spat out the water...

From a distance, I saw the city, the cheering crowd, and the finish line.

From a distance, I saw the familiar Twin Towers.

Calmly, my previously erratic heart rate behaved, and I just moved forward, returning to the starting point.

The finish line was reached.

"Breathing easy, feeling light, like a revelation"

I took a deep breath, retrieved my bag, and asked a fellow runner to take a photo. Today's training was complete, though I was almost overwhelmed, I managed to adjust in the end.

Looking at the single flower in my hand, I thought there were three or four last year. Right, last year, as a volunteer, Brother Jiang Hao, the 10KM pacer, gave me a few more.

No wonder this single flower looked a bit lonely.

By the riverside on Binjiang Road, after stretching, the familiar scenery remained. The gray sky brought a sense of fatigue.

A solo race, solo cheers, and a solo finish. A solo return. Naturally, there was no pretentious melancholy to bother me.

Suddenly, I remembered a conversation with a friend:

When you place the love for something you enjoy at the top priority, without overly considering the returns and results, you'll find that this love becomes much happier, simpler, and lighter, without unnecessary burdens.

Just like: I woke up today, feeling great, full of energy, went for a run, and felt very comfortable.

I train hard, and although it's painful, I can see that I have so much potential, that I can become stronger, and I feel happy and satisfied.

As for other things, they are just natural outcomes or added bonuses.

Admitting your weaknesses, not being shy, and then strengthening them is better than protecting them.

October 28,

Chongqing International Women's Half Marathon

A fruitful experience

Despite facing a heart rate spike

and what I don't consider a Waterloo result

it was very worthwhile. So, I'm happy.

PS: I met a Codoon buddy who said they liked the course, which made me very happy. After all, that's the main point.

Finally, Xiao Qiye

wants the medal

I'll pull out all your hair!

Sincerely, Xijia

Created: 2018-10-30 06:30:23