what is office syndrome

Self-test | Do you have office syndrome?


YOYO: Hey, Codoon, do you know what office syndrome is?

Codoon: emmm...

Then the clever Codoon opened a certain encyclopedia.

Codoon: Office syndrome refers to a chronic sub-health condition caused by prolonged sitting in the office, including both physical and mental symptoms. For example, it can cause joint diseases in our lumbar spine, legs, back, and muscles, and emotional depression due to high work pressure. In short, it is the so-called 'invisible killer'...

Yes, nowadays, office syndrome has become the norm for office workers. Codoon's colleague is currently suffering from it. It's not to scare you, but you might be affected too. Quickly compare the symptoms below. If you have more than three, you need to be vigilant.


Problems with cervical and lumbar vertebrae


Prolonged sitting in front of a computer in the office keeps the neck, shoulders, waist, and back in a fixed position, causing the intervertebral discs and interspinous ligaments to remain tense for a long time. This can lead to stiffness, soreness, and pain in the neck, shoulders, waist, and back, or difficulty in bending and turning. Poor sitting posture increases the burden on the spine, accelerating the formation of a hunchback and leading to bone hyperplasia, resulting in cervical and lumbar diseases. Neck pain and back pain are inevitable.



Disrupted biological clock and lack of sleep


Some office workers always feel sleep-deprived and easily fatigued, becoming sluggish with prolonged reflex arcs, making our brains less agile. At night, they often suffer from insomnia, leading to a disrupted biological clock.


Dizziness, feeling oppressed and irritable


Some people feel short of breath as soon as they enter the office, as if something is pressing on their chest, preventing them from breathing freely. This invisible pressure can also make them irritable, impatient, and emotionally unstable.


Overeating or loss of appetite


Office workers often endure high work pressure, which can lead to endocrine disorders, slowing down metabolism. High levels of cortisol can increase appetite, especially for carbohydrates. Alternatively, a bad mood can make everything taste unappetizing.


Beginner's Guide | Light Exercise, Get to Know It


Codoon: YOYO, have you noticed that more and more people around us seem tired? They either have spinal problems or waist issues.

YOYO: Yes, sitting in front of a computer in the office for long periods can lead to cervical spondylosis and periarthritis. It can also cause belly fat, a flat butt, and weight gain. They keep setting goals but never take action.

Is being busy at work an excuse? Does being busy mean there's no time for exercise?


Here, Codoon will borrow a familiar saying: time is like water in a sponge; if you squeeze it, there will always be some. Light exercise refers to using these squeezed-out fragments of time for physical exercise. After all, moving is better than not moving.


To do light exercise, you need to make good use of your time. You don't necessarily have to go to the gym or sports field; you can easily do it in the office or at home. Although it may only be a few minutes, it can help improve blood circulation and muscle vitality. So if you're short on time, try doing a few minutes of short exercises. If the movements are well-arranged, they can help activate your body's functions and promote blood circulation.

Example | Start with these small details in life

Codoon: So, making good use of time and learning to take advantage of every opportunity is very important.

YOYO: Yes, starting with these small details and little things in life, exercising a bit more each day, burning a few more calories... This is also a form of light exercise.


Walk a bit faster,


Stand when you can, sit when you can't stand.

Increase your daily walking opportunities; cycling is also a good choice.

Women should wear flat shoes instead of high heels as much as possible,

Relax your leg muscles and let your feet rest more.


Eat small, frequent meals, and chew slowly.

Divide your daily calorie intake into multiple smaller meals,

Keep your metabolism at a higher level,

Avoid overeating due to excessive hunger.


Get up and move around after sitting for a long time, choose a small-capacity water cup,

This way, you can walk around more when you refill your water.


Get enough sleep, try to avoid staying up late,

People who sleep less than 6 hours not only become less intelligent but also less attractive.

When sleep is less than 4 hours, it slows down metabolism.



When doing housework, occasionally use the kneeling method to mop the floor instead of a mop.


Don't wait until you're thirsty to drink water; remember to drink water frequently,

Drinking more water can speed up metabolism.



Your sitting posture can also affect your energy consumption,

A straight posture can exercise your abdominal muscles.

While sitting in a chair, you can occasionally do knee lifts,

Increase the frequency of exercise.


When you need to pick up something that has fallen on the ground,

Keep your back straight and bend your knees instead of your waist,

This helps protect your back and strengthen your leg muscles.


Use the step counter on WeChat, aim to walk more today than yesterday,

More this week than last week, compare yourself to yourself.

Every little bit adds up.


Chewing gum when you're free can burn a few calories,

And it can stop you from eating out of boredom.



When walking, climbing stairs, or running,

Listen to fast-paced music,

Your steps will naturally quicken,

Making it easier to burn fat.


Stand against a wall, with the balls of your feet on the ground,

Lift your heels and then lower them,

You can do this heel lift exercise at home anytime.


Don't always stay in an air-conditioned room,

Turn off the air conditioner and sweat a little; it's okay,

Sweating is also a way to burn calories.


Drink less soda and more tea.

The polyphenols in tea not only have antioxidant and beauty benefits,

But also help boost metabolism.


Try to cook at home, not just for hygiene and calorie control,

But also because standing to prepare and wash dishes burns more calories.



Carry nuts and low-calorie dark chocolate snacks with you,

To reduce the likelihood of overeating outside.


Each time you do a plank, try to hold it 10 seconds longer than the last time.

Created: 2018-11-23 01:55:45