office light exercise

Video | Quanyou × Codoon Fun Exercise Short Video

Shoulder and Neck Exercise: 3 sets × 1 minute

Waist and Back Exercise: 3 sets × 1 minute

Waist and Abdomen Exercise: 3 sets × 1 minute


Equipment | A chair is all you need

YOYO: Sometimes the office space is not enough for exercise, what should we do?

Dong Xiaoku: Not enough space? Adjust your posture. As long as you have a chair, you can manage. Look below.

Adjust the chair height to maintain correct sitting posture

Incorrect sitting posture can affect blood circulation throughout the body, slow down metabolism, and lead to weight gain. However, maintaining the correct sitting posture all the time is very difficult. At this time, you can adjust the chair height to force yourself to maintain the correct posture. This way, the muscles tighten, which is also beneficial for weight loss.


Also, do not cross your legs. Some people like to cross their legs while working. In fact, crossing your legs restricts blood flow in the other leg, causing numbness, and shifts your center of gravity to one leg, which can lead to spinal curvature over time.



Stand up and walk around often

To prevent the harm of prolonged sitting, remember to stand up and walk around often, especially for office workers. It is recommended to stand up and move around every 30-40 minutes, stretch your body, drink some water, and stretch your legs. Use lunchtime or bathroom breaks to exercise. This helps relieve body fatigue and relax muscles.


If you want to move but don't want to or can't leave your seat, you can do the following activities:

· Stand up

· March in place for 20 seconds

· Stretch out your hand and try to touch your toes for 20 seconds

· Look into the distance, repeat or change the previous exercises

Simple massage

After sitting for a while, you may feel neck pain and lack of energy. Here is the simplest emergency method to help relieve neck fatigue: interlock your fingers, place them behind your neck, and gently rub your neck. Rub continuously 50 times. Your neck will feel warm and comfortable.


If your lower limbs feel sore and weak, you can try tiptoeing or gently massaging your legs. Tiptoeing causes the muscles at the back of your calves to contract and squeeze, promoting blood flow back to the lower limbs and accelerating blood circulation, which can prevent varicose veins.

Example | @Xiao Qi Guan 3-minute office stress relief exercise


Three circles to the left, three circles to the right

Twist your neck, twist your hips

Follow @Xiao Qi Guan and exercise together

Shake your hands, stretch your legs

Breathe deeply often

People who exercise are healthier

Computer, mouse, trash can...

Items within reach in the office can all become sources of joy

Everyone, let's start exercising together!

Don't forget to participate in the topic activity#Stretch Your Hands and Enjoy Exercise

Win a sofa and other great prizes~

Created: 2018-11-23 16:00:06