calculate your goddess score

Since the era of male aesthetics entered the public eye, various 'male gods' and 'fresh meat' have been all the rage.

With the addition of new male gods, the male god circle has entered an era of chaotic competition, dazzling to the eyes.

There are quite a few girls who are utterly mesmerized by these male gods.

Don't tell me you've never fantasized about holding hands with a male god. Even if you say you haven't, I won't believe you.


But girls, do you know?

The prince on a white horse will only marry a princess.

And the only kind of person who can catch a male god's eye is:

A goddess.

While you're still crying over the bubbles in TV dramas,

Those ladies who are determined to become goddesses have already entered cheat mode.

Don't want to fall behind?

Want to level up to goddess and catch a male god?

Don't stop, follow the editor and add some points to yourself~

The confidence of a goddess: able to earn and live beautifully.

【Project Score】4 points

A woman can only gain the respect she deserves if she has dignity and an independent personality. Material abundance can ensure that she has the absolute ability to solve problems when any hardship comes; it can also help her maintain inner clarity when facing external temptations. Working hard to earn a salary is certainly commendable, but if she can use a wise mind and correct financial management concepts to smartly manage money and make money grow, she can elevate herself to another level of goddess status.

【Learning Tips】

The Ping An Goddess Training Class has officially started, not only providing goddesses with many reliable ways to make money, but also featuring two male god mentors—Wu Xiubo and Hu Ge. If you want to earn beautifully, you should go; if you're aiming for the male gods, then you definitely should go!

Want to learn smart financial management from the two male god mentors,

Buy beautifully, earn beautifully, live beautifully

Click here to transform into a true goddess


The temperament of a goddess: well-read and living beautifully

【Project Score】3 points

A well-read mind exudes elegance. A habit of loving to learn and read can increase your experience, enhance your knowledge, and enrich your inner self, allowing you to handle both life and work with ease. Moreover, having multiple skills is never a burden. No one will refuse a girl who can chat well. Imagine, if you meet a male god one day and can't say anything coherent, how embarrassing would that be...

【Learning Tips】

Don't miss out on professional knowledge, daily life tips, and current hot topics. Keep up with both news and entertainment, handle both with ease. Be able to solve problems eloquently and chat wittily. What? No time? Then you can only rely on the following trick.

The foundation of a goddess: vitality and health, beautiful living

【Project Score】3 points

After the trends of touching your belly button from behind and raising goldfish in your collarbone, this spring, girls have welcomed a new challenge: the A4 waist. A slender waist that can be held with one hand is certainly exciting, but if the owner of this waist looks pale and weak, even if the male god feels pity, he might secretly worry: 'What if she’s so unhealthy that she accidentally dies? Better not get involved.'

Is your score very low?

Are you content to be an unnoticed little nobody?

Do you feel sad every time you miss the male god's admiring gaze?

Healthy and beautiful to attract male gods, can you bear not to show it off?

Of! Course! Not!

Starting today, participate in the Codoon 'Show Off Your Beautiful Goddess' activity, and reply to this post in the correct way,

1. Show off your beautiful lifestyle and your most goddess-like side;

2. Share your healthy goddess cultivation methods;

3. Share your independent goddess experiences in smart financial management and making money grow.

Feeling excited? Want to immediately level up to goddess and attract male gods?

Then follow the editor and show it off together~

Waiting for you~
Created: 2016-03-25 06:31:46