cant afford supplements just stay active for better health


Yesterday morning, I couldn't hold back anymore and specifically expressed my respect to the staff of Dr. Dingxiang on WeChat.

First, I thanked them for their work in exposing frauds and popularizing science, which is something many people want to do but can't or don't dare to.

Second, I admired their solid interviewing and writing in that article, which made me, an old newspaper editor left behind by the times, stand up and applaud.

These days, if you don't have a few elderly people around you who have been scammed by health products, you feel embarrassed to greet people when you go out, as it makes you seem particularly outdated and out of touch with the times.

Especially, it makes you seem particularly poor.

If you can't even come up with a few thousand yuan to waste on health products, people really look down on you.


Sometimes I wonder, the things advertised by health products are so outrageous that they leave people speechless, so why do so many people still believe them?

A sanitary pad can treat prostate issues—this claim is already absurd enough, but they add, 'You see, you can even put it in your mouth and eat it...'

I don't want to say much else, but why would you eat a perfectly good sanitary pad? Besides, just because you can eat it, does that mean you can use it?

You can eat roasted sweet potatoes, and they taste great, but can you smear them on your underwear and use them as a sanitary pad?

I can't guarantee anything else, but at least others will think you have fecal incontinence.

Of course, you could also promote that your product can lubricate the intestines, cleanse residual stool, detoxify, and beautify.

See, don't I have the potential to make health products too?


And those who advertise 'all-natural, no additives'—I don't know when 'all-natural' came to mean non-toxic, pure, and healthy.

The venom of a five-step snake is all-natural, the mucus on a toad is all-natural, poisonous mushrooms are all-natural, oleander is all-natural—are they non-toxic, pure, and healthy?

I remember when Mourinho scolded Balotelli, saying he only had one brain cell. I'm not being malicious, but I think this statement really suits some people.

And those who claim 'no additives'—a friend in my WeChat circle who sells sausages says his sausages don't contain any industrial products...

Lady, such good sausages, if you don't add salt, how am I supposed to eat them? Boil them and dip them in sweet bean sauce to chew raw?

Salt is also an industrial product!


Is this knowledge very profound?

I don't think so. Some of it is common sense that anyone with a bit of independent living ability can judge; another part is knowledge from middle school, and most of it is from junior high school—physics, chemistry, biology, geography, history, and so on.

The demographic that buys health products—although I haven't done a precise age analysis—based on my usual understanding, includes not only those who didn't receive much education during special periods but also many who are my age or even younger.

If I remember correctly, our country started implementing nine-year compulsory education in 1986, which means these people have received junior high school education.

But where did all their learning go?

This is a question I can't figure out. Did this knowledge leave no trace in their cerebral cortex at all?

Could some researchers study their brain cells? Maybe this ability to erase memories could be a blessing for those long tormented by tragic pasts—it might even win a Nobel Prize.


Alright, I'll stop being sarcastic.

I often hear people around me say, 'Why do you read books? What's the point? Can it make you money or keep you from getting sick?'

I can only smile slightly, not daring to spend too much effort and energy arguing this point, because I checked my bank account balance and I don't have much confidence to argue.

I'm not wealthy, so I don't have enough money to support those so-called health product scammers. So I can only enhance my physical fitness by running and quitting smoking, doing my best to ensure my health.

To be honest, my method is time-consuming and labor-intensive, making me deeply feel the pain of being poor.

Using health products is better—a pair of insoles can solve everything.

Earlier this year, I suffered from plantar fasciitis for so long, torturing me for half a year, and my marathon performance never improved. If I had known, I wouldn't have bothered stepping on golf balls; I could have just put an insole under my armpit, and my plantar fasciitis would have been cured!


I have a guess, not necessarily correct: How high is the overlap between people who are keen on buying health products and those who advocate the uselessness of reading?

They like to share all kinds of health knowledge in WeChat groups, look for what they consider the most cost-effective health products, discuss various strange exercise methods, and chase after lectures by various medical professors, health masters, and wellness gurus, but they just don't like reading books.

The books I'm talking about are proper books, not those full of typos and logical holes like a honeycomb.

Their reasons are almost the same: 'Oh, I'm busy, no time to read,' 'Oh, I can't get into it,' 'Oh, I haven't read in so many years, I can't understand it,' 'Oh, I don't know what books to read...'

Actually, answering this bunch of questions is very simple.

If you have a child in middle school at home, tell them not to throw away their textbooks, bring them home and read them again.

Physics, chemistry, biology, geography—read these textbooks again, and I guarantee you can avoid more than 90% of scams in the future.

As for history, since you already follow my public account (WeChat search: Bucktooth Zhao), why go elsewhere to read history...

Created: 2018-12-28 03:44:21