gaomeili breaking through myself, im no longer just an online race runner

The two words 'marathon' hold different meanings for everyone; sharing the first experience, seek it on the racecourse.

―― Preface

I have been using Codoon Sports since December 9, 2016, but I have only participated in online races. Seeing the offline race experiences shared by fellow runners on Codoon, I felt envious and wanted to participate, but always found excuses: too far, no companion, motion sickness...

Until the end of September this year, when I saw my classmate Li share the Jiangxi Shangrao International Marathon event, my passion for running marathons was reignited: I must participate in the marathon at my doorstep!

Assessing my own strength, I set the goal of 'breaking two'.

Before September this year, I had only run 8 half marathons, all completed last year. Six times in the countryside with ups and downs, and twice in the county town. Although I completed all 8 runs alone, I often felt like giving up, slowing down, or barely holding on... My half marathon results were not worth mentioning. My best record (02:04:28) was achieved by running laps at the county's second middle school.

When I asked classmate Li about registration matters, he only said that I could try a full marathon, given my long running history and sufficient mileage. With more than two months left before the race, a full marathon was still feasible.

After much consideration, with work and household chores, training for a full marathon would take a lot of time, and I would be practicing alone. Forget it, for the first experience, I'll stick to a half marathon and try my best to 'break two'!

Joining the Qianshan Running Association, seeking 'help' for the marathon.

'A single bamboo pole is hard to cross the vast ocean,' as someone who has never participated in an offline event, I and the members of our Huangbi Fitness Walking Group understood this principle.

With the consent of President Su of the county running association, nine members of our group were fortunate to join the Qianshan Long-distance Running Fitness Group. From the exercise check-ins of fellow runners, I understood the importance of persistence; from their fitness exchanges, I learned the precautions for running marathons; from their care and encouragement, I gradually gained confidence. In short, we all benefited greatly.

On October 6, I was fortunate to participate in the county running association's 5:20 gathering run at Binjiang Park. Seeing the smiling, energetic faces of the runners, and hearing the laughter everywhere, I was deeply moved.

The loud slogan 'Persist in long-distance running, enjoy health, national fitness starts with me' made me shout along involuntarily. President Zhang suggested that members who wanted long-distance training should turn to Yonghe Road after 10 kilometers. Along the way, members encouraged each other, and I, who had never broken 30 kilometers, completed it easily.

We novice runners obtained all the registration details and marathon precautions from Secretary Su. He was never afraid of trouble and patiently guided us. We are very grateful for his great help!

Mobilizing my husband to participate, experiencing the race atmosphere.

My husband was very athletic from childhood to youth. But as he grew older, he stopped exercising and paid less attention to his diet, gradually becoming an overweight person.

On October 12, 2018, his workplace organized a physical examination, and the results shocked him. Many of his bodily functions had minor issues. After searching on Baidu and consulting doctor friends, everyone said it was due to obesity. So he decided to lose weight: exercise, pay attention to diet, and quit staying up late. I gladly agreed. Accompanied by me, he ran 5 kilometers 3-5 times a week, and successfully lost 8 kilograms in a month.

On the eve of the Shangrao Marathon, I asked him if he wanted to run the marathon too. I would run the half marathon, and he could try the 6-kilometer mini-marathon, which would be easy for him to complete within an hour. He agreed to give it a try.

Experiencing the wind and rain of Shangrao, changing the set goal.

Our Huangbi Fitness Walking Group arrived in Shangrao on December 1, and had our first team dinner that evening. Before going to bed, we discussed what equipment to bring, what to eat, and whether it would really rain on race day. On the morning of the 2nd, our group chat was already buzzing with excitement. Soon, we were ready to go from the hotel and arrived at the starting point, Citizen Park. The enthusiastic runners of the Qianshan Long-distance Running Association gathered us for a group photo. As we lined up for the photo, the rain began.

The race was about to start, and we were looking for the half marathon starting line. We kept asking, 'Where's the restroom? Where's the bag check?' By the time we finished using the restroom and found the bag check, there were only five minutes left before the race. The three of us novices rushed to the starting line with our bags. The rain was getting heavier, and although we put on raincoats, our hair and shoes were still wet.

The crazy rain couldn't dampen the passion for running. As the starting signal sounded, people surged forward. The sound of splashing and stomping was constant. I followed the crowd, running slowly. During my period, I remembered my husband's advice: 'In special circumstances, just finishing is good enough, don't worry about speed. If you can't go on, stop.' So, I kept a steady pace.

The rain gradually stopped, and more and more people started to speed up. The volunteers' cheers of 'Keep going!' and fellow runners' encouragement of 'Go, backpack heroine!' and the supplies handed out at the aid stations filled me with warmth.

I still remember the kind reminders from two female runners: 'Don't run fast while drinking water, walk a bit; keep your head up and chest out, you're the best.' These words strengthened my resolve to persist and finish safely.

After 15 kilometers, my feet in the wet shoes started to swell uncomfortably; my abdomen also began to feel uneasy; the wet hair slapping against my face started to hurt... My pace involuntarily slowed down. At 20 kilometers, I had only one thought: persist, persist, finish, finish.

I saw the 21-kilometer marker from afar! My pace instantly quickened. I was secretly delighted: 'Hey, it's okay? Speeding up is no problem...' Turning the last corner, I sprinted...

Reflecting on the Shangrao Marathon experience, making future plans.

The Shangrao Marathon has ended, and I feel I have gained a lot. Pre-race training is essential: endurance, speed, leg strength, weather adaptation... Adequate sleep and warm-up before the race, and relaxation of body and mind after the race are also necessary.

As a participating team, we must remember the power and honor of the team before, during, and after the race. The collective spirit must always be remembered.

I have agreed with my husband to participate in at least one marathon (half marathon) each year. Now, we stick to running 7 kilometers or more 3-5 times a week, and 10 kilometers once on weekends. We have agreed with the team members that we will carry the flag in the next marathon, running with style and joy.

Created: 2019-01-08 04:00:00