gaining insight why does everyone like ge x tan so much

Because it really is! Very! Comfortable!


As children, we were often scolded for slouching, and as adults, we've fallen in love with the 'Ge X Tan' posture, leading to spinal deformities.


But why are these obviously comfortable postures often referred to as 'bad posture'?

Take 'Ge X Tan' as an example:


'Ge X Tan' may feel comfortable while sitting, but this posture lacks sufficient support for the lumbar spine, altering the natural curvature of the spine.The pressure on the intervertebral discs increases, becoming twice that of normal sitting and six times that of normal lying down.,Overtime, it can easily lead to lumbar muscle strain, scoliosis, and even herniated discs, bringing you closer to actual paralysis.


Once your body gets used to 'Ge X Tan', readjusting to a proper posture becomes quite challenging.

In the human body, bones provide support, and muscles maintain posture (both static and dynamic). Generally, to complete a movement or maintain proper posture, each muscle group contributes a bit. However, some common but comfortable postures, like 'Ge X Tan', 'sideline' our muscles and some ligaments, placing most of the support on the bones and ligaments. Over time, this leads to muscle imbalance and bone-on-bone contact, causing severe changes to our posture.


Let's first look at a diagram related to 'bad posture':


This diagram essentially shows all the potential problems caused by bad posture:Uneven shoulders, scoliosis, pelvic tilt, leg length discrepancy,and so on.


Now let's look at what our muscles look like under bad posture:


These are typical muscle changes around the hip area. Blue represents shortened muscles, and red represents lengthened muscles. Together, they form a 'distorted' balance.


Maintaining this state for a long time can deform our spine and affect our posture. The common back, shoulder, and neck pain we experience is often due to these bad postures. This is why physical therapists include posture correction in their treatments.


However, once this 'distorted' balance is formed, readjusting to the correct posture becomes difficult.


First, you need to 'awaken' the lazy muscles(the blue muscles in the diagram), and 'inhibit' the overactive muscles (the red muscles in the diagram), which requires extra effort and is not an unconscious action. This is a long and slow process, which is why maintaining proper posture feels so tiring.


This is also why we've been taught to maintain proper posture from a young age: 'Sit like a bell, stand like a pine, walk like the wind, lie like a bow,' to develop good habits and ensure healthy growth of bones and muscles.

Of course, it's easy to deviate from this path during our growth, and the bad postures we gradually adopt bring many problems to modern people:Back, shoulder, and neck pain, poor posture, spinal deformities, muscle stiffness, bone spurs, nerve compression, limb numbness,and other symptoms. If you experience any of these symptoms, don't panic but also don't ignore them. The sooner you correct them, the less damage your body will suffer.


Even cats love 'Ge X Tan'.

Image source: Internet

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Created: 2019-02-20 07:46:39