thanks to 14 year old nightmare it began my 24 year fairy tale life

My name is Tong Sen, 'Tong' as in 'fairy tale', and 'Sen' as in 'forest'.Every time, I introduce myself this way, shamelessly adding: It's a name full of poetic and romantic charm.

In real life, I am much like my name, often living in my own fairy tale world. From my mindset and perception to my physical appearance (except for the slightly mature beard), from my speech and behavior to my daily routine and diet, at 38, I still consider myself a student, never stopping my exploration of the world.

I think this is great because this is the self I want, the fairy tale I desire.

If you are facing a nightmare, don't lose heart; it might also be the beginning of a fairy tale.

Not all fairy tales have a beautiful beginning. At least for me, the event that opened the prelude to my fairy tale life was indeed like a small nightmare:

From childhood to adulthood, I loved running and jumping and always had a mysterious confidence in myself. Until that May when I was 14, during the school sports meet, something happened that still makes me feel a bit ashamed when I think about it:

I excitedly signed up for the 1500-meter race, and the place I got was:

Last place.

For someone who always felt good about himself, this ranking was like a bolt from the blue. I still remember it was at a school in a small town, with a very small playground, only 135 meters per lap. On such a small playground, the gap between me and the first place was particularly obvious—I was a whole lap behind.

Then, I 'harvested' a lot of ridicule and disdain from my classmates: 'How did you end up in last place?' 'You're so weak, you actually came in last!'...

These mocking voices were very hard for my young self to accept and hurt a teenager's self-esteem. I was afraid of being labeled 'last place' and never being able to hold my head up in front of my classmates.

So, with the surrounding ridicule, I spent two weeks in gloom and depression. Finally, one day, after hearing the harsh 'last place' again, I made up my mind: I would start training! I would shake off this title!

Fortunately, once I started, I never stopped, and it has been 24 years until now.

Life is so short; if you want to do something, just do it. Only by trying will you know if it works.

The story returns to that 135-meter lap playground.

Every day after I started training, I was the first in the whole school to get up. Small steps running, high knees, and back kicks became my daily running training routine.

Anyone who has practiced specialized training knows that small steps running mainly trains the ability to scrape the ground. In less than half a semester, a clear small path was left on the lawn in the corner of the small playground by my small steps running, and I proudly wore out a pair of the era's must-have white sneakers for boys.

All these efforts brought the best rewards. In every subsequent competition, I had the opportunity to show my skills. Not only in long-distance running but also in short-distance running, long jump, high jump, and shot put, I made great progress and achieved excellent results.I proved with my actions that I was not only not the last place but could also be very excellent!

To continue my dream, a few years later, with the foundation of long-term training, I successfully got into a physical education major.

I thought it was the beginning of another exciting journey, but unexpectedly, a few years later, when I graduated from the physical education program, I encountered the reform of the distribution system. I became the first batch of 'normal students' who were not assigned jobs. I, who could have smoothly become a physical education teacher, suddenly became an unemployed youth...

Confusion and helplessness once again flooded into my life. To make money, I forced myself not to stop. After doing several short-term odd jobs, I settled in a company doing maintenance work.But I knew this was definitely not my final destination.

Soon, an opportunity came. One day, in my hometown of Leshan, the first Mr. and Ms. Fitness competition was held. I squeezed into the crowd of onlookers, watching with excitement.At that moment, I finally knew that the road of sports was my destination. No matter what it took, I had to give it a try.So the next day, I resolutely quit my job. The voice in my heart reignited: I want to learn fitness! I want to be a coach!

Like a newborn calf unafraid of tigers, the day after I resigned, I went to the local gym and found the owner, telling him my thoughts. The owner and his wife were very kind and accepted me, who had no relevant experience, and taught me hand-in-hand. The tuition fee was: a three-month gym membership card.

From that day on, I started immersive training from 10 AM to 10 PM, training, sleeping, eating, and training again. With hard work and a foundation in physical education, I made rapid progress. A month and a half later, I took the stage and began my coaching career.

Such a light description makes it sound easy, but only I knew how hard I worked at that time.Choosing to be a coach was the most straightforward, decisive, and correct decision I ever made. So, once you make a decision, go for it bravely!

Sixteen years, countless certificates, and one most brag-worthy medal.

To remain evergreen in the fitness industry, I always demanded continuous learning and absolute dedication from myself. Every learning experience was a new understanding and breakthrough for me.

Besides fitness, the 'fickleness' of Gemini is vividly reflected in my personal hobbies because every exploration of unknown fields is also a development of myself. Of course,Before trying and challenging new things, I always secretly vow: I must make a name for myself!

From that middle school long-distance race to three years of daily morning exercises without interruption;

From training in various track and field events to learning aerobics and Latin dance;

From a student majoring in physical education to becoming a college instructor;

From practicing martial arts routines to training in Sanda, free fighting, Taekwondo, and Judo;

From spinning and floating in HIPHOP and JAZZ to pole dancing;

In recent months, I have fallen in love with Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and street workout...

Fitness coach, fighting coach, dance teacher...Some say my labels are too messy, some say my life is too tumultuous, but I am passionate about how rich my life is. Because for every role, I perform with my heart; for every challenge, I strive to do my best.

It seems that time has never left a mark on my heart. I have endless energy, either exercising or on the way to exercise.

Behind those countless training sessions, experiences, and certificates, I have one most brag-worthy medal: 16 years of teaching with zero tardiness! Dedication, I achieved it!

Encountering Codoon, discovering another possibility for myself.

Many people work hard, but few are lucky; many chase dreams, but not all can achieve them.

When I met Codoon and entered the CODOON LIVE broadcast room, I saw another long-lost version of myself in the camera, a self I liked.

If teaching is like a romance, then I must be the kind that needs a response!

Usually, when teaching in the gym, I often encounter the 'awkward hype' of no student response. Gradually, I became the 'cool and aloof' style in the gym. But in the live broadcast class, facing enthusiastic Codoon users from all over the country, I can't help but 'overrun' every time, always feeling unsatisfied. Every time it ends, I look forward to the next live broadcast.

So some gym members say, 'Why are you completely different in the live broadcast class compared to regular classes?'

I said, 'Actually, I used to teach like this in the gym, but the live broadcast class reignited my passion for teaching.'

I am very fortunate that I did not become dull and uninteresting because of the 'maturity' of age. Compared to my usual quiet self, finding this side of me again is the best complement to myself.

Finally, I hope your encounter with sports can be like mine 24 years ago. Once it starts, it never stops.

Welcome to the CODOON LIVE broadcast courses!

A good-looking appearance relies on fitness; an interesting soul looks to Tong Sen.

I am your teacher Tong Sen, waiting for you on Codoon Live~

Created: 2019-03-28 16:00:00