why i want to stick to 20 years of a egg s walk

Last Saturday at 8 PM, in the pitch-black night, my friends and I completed the 2019 'One Egg Walkathon' in 11 hours, 59 minutes, and 37 seconds. My personal fundraising stopped at exactly 5,000 yuan, and our 'Oasis Charity Run Unlimited Team' raised a total of 22,999.25 yuan. The funds we raised will be used for the 'Oasis Food Bank - Migrant Workers' Children Lunch Improvement Project,' helping the children of migrant workers grow up healthy and strong.


Since participating in the 'One Egg Walkathon' in 2015, this year marks my fifth time walking in Shanghai and my fifth time fundraising for domestic children's charity projects with my friends.


As I get older, walking 50 kilometers in nearly 12 hours is no longer as easy and pleasant as it was in previous years. Fundraising again and again has nearly exhausted my limited social capital, making it increasingly difficult.


However, I will still participate in the 'One Egg Walkathon' next year, and I will do my best to fundraise and complete the 50 kilometers without giving up. I will continue the following year and every year until 15 years later, fulfilling the promise my friends and I made—to walk together for 20 years.


So, the question arises, why do I want to participate in the 'One Egg Walkathon' with my friends for 20 consecutive years?


1. I don't want to drift apart from these friends.

Through participating in various charity activities organized by Raleigh China over the years, I have not only grown significantly but also been fortunate to meet many kind and warm-hearted people. More importantly, I have continued to participate in the 'One Egg Walkathon' with some of these friends for many years. This year, we formed the 'Oasis Charity Run Unlimited Team' again, walking together and raising over 22,000 yuan for underprivileged children.


Although the official team for the 'One Egg Walkathon' has a maximum of six members, our team has eight—Shanchai, Sister Yan, Sister Wei, Sister Qiuyu, Brother Qiutian, Brother Dabing, Huasheng, and me. Brother Qiutian and Sister Wei did not officially register, but none of us can be left out.


Shanchai: The soul of our team, the most dedicated charity worker I know, has been with 'Oasis Charity' for 10 years and will continue for many more.


Sister Yan: The anchor of our team, she covers any shortfall in our fundraising efforts. With Sister Yan around, we feel secure, like having a full granary at home.


Sister Wei: Our team's advisor from Canada, who worries about us from across the ocean and helps us strategize for fundraising. Although Sister Wei cannot return to participate in the walkathon, when we walk 50 kilometers, it's as if she walks 50 kilometers too. We are a team.


Sister Qiuyu and Brother Qiutian: Unlike others who go to battle with their sons, Sister Qiuyu and Brother Qiutian are a couple who walk together. Sister Qiuyu walks while Brother Qiutian drives to provide logistical support for the entire team. They treat Brother Dabing and me like their own children, inviting us to their home for dinner the night before the walkathon and bringing us homemade wontons the next day. In the afternoon, they went to the market to buy groceries, and Brother Qiutian cooked us a big meal in the evening.


Brother Dabing: One of the men who has had a significant impact on my life, he is exceptionally intelligent, multi-talented, and diligent. Whatever he does, he does exceptionally well. Whenever I think I'm doing well, I remember Brother Dabing, the 9.0 version, and I continue to work hard.


Huasheng: A young woman born in the 90s, who flew from Shenzhen to Shanghai in the early morning for the walkathon and flew back to Shenzhen late at night to continue her work, even though she owns a few acres of land on Chongming Island.Some Thoughts on the One Egg Walkathon


These seven people, some of whom are around my age and some much older, all have hearts of gold. They are willing to invest their time, energy, and money for a non-profit goal. I am very happy to be their teammate, walking together and contributing a little bit of our strength to help underprivileged children.


Time will take many people away from us. A turn of events might cause us to drift apart from old friends. But I don't want to drift apart from them. I want to remain friends with my teammates for as long as possible, even if it's not forever. I hope to delay that time as much as possible.


There is no good way to avoid drifting apart from dear friends, except to experience more things together and create more shared memories, becoming indelible parts of each other's lives. I want to use the 'One Egg Walkathon' as a way to keep doing something together with my friends, to stay connected and remain friends.

2. There are still many children waiting for our help.

Our country has undergone 40 years of reform and opening up and is now the world's second-largest economy. Many children can enjoy a prosperous, healthy, and happy childhood with their parents' company.


However, we must face the fact that 'among China's 279 million children, there are over 60 million rural left-behind children, more than 35 million urban migrant children, 5 million disabled children, and over 40 million children in poverty-stricken areas.' Many of them may not have enough to eat, warm clothes to wear, or the company of their parents. These children are also the flowers of our nation and should be immersed in a happy childhood, but they cannot enjoy ordinary happiness.


Maybe I can do something for these children. I know my strength is insignificant, and I am not even a glimmer of light for those children in need. But by participating in the 'One Egg Walkathon' every year, I can at least improve the lives of one or two children for a year. Participating for 20 years can provide several children with several years of support.


Every year, 4,000 adults like me participate in the 'One Egg Walkathon,' which means thousands of children can receive support during their growth. The 'One Egg Walkathon' has been held for nine consecutive years, raising a total of 57.52 million yuan in the first eight years. This year, the total fundraising has exceeded 9.25 million yuan. Our efforts have brought food, clothing, school supplies, and companionship to more children in need.


As more and more people continue to support the growth and development of underprivileged children, I hope my little light can keep shining and gather more and more little lights.

3. Contributing a little bit to restore the reputation of charity in China.

Due to the increasing number of negative individuals, organizations, and incidents, the credibility of China's charity sector has been eroded. Many people have begun to doubt the intentions of Chinese charity workers and the impact of charity activities.


I am not a full-time charity worker, but my charitable intentions are pure. I have never sought any direct or indirect benefits from the 'One Egg Walkathon.' In fact, if I didn't participate this year and went on a business trip instead, I could have gained direct financial benefits.


I have invested a lot of energy in fundraising, given up opportunities for business trips near my home, and paid for my own transportation from Duchang to Shanghai. I just want to walk with my teammates, hoping that our small efforts can provide a little support to children in need.


My teammates are just like me, with no ulterior motives, only hoping to do a little bit for the children in need.


I believe there are still many charity workers in China who, like my friends and me, have pure hearts for charity. They are willing to dedicate their passion, energy, money, and resources to improve our planet and help those in need.


My friends, when you find an honest and reliable charity worker who is working on a project that can improve the planet and help those in need, please boldly give them your valuable support. Your support can be yourself, helping with publicity, material donations, or financial contributions.

4. Giving myself a little time each year to do a good deed.

In middle age, I have devoted almost all my time and energy to work, striving to earn more money, achieve financial freedom early, and provide a prosperous and worry-free life for myself and my family.


I don't have time to care about our increasingly deteriorating planet and living environment or to care about people around me who need help. Where has my childhood aspiration of 'becoming a county leader and benefiting the people' gone?


Maybe I was naive as a child, not knowing that becoming a 'county leader' is not easy and 'benefiting the people' is even harder. Now that I see reality clearly, can I at least invest a little energy each year to wholeheartedly do a good deed?


By chance, I encountered the 'One Egg Walkathon' and met the friends of the 'Oasis Charity Run Unlimited Team.' I want to do a good deed with them every year and try to persist for 20 years.

5. Oasis Charity is a good charity organization.

Oasis Charity is a charity organization based in Shanghai. Their main project is the 'Food Bank,' which aims to collect surplus food from society and distribute it to underprivileged groups in need. The soul of our team, Shanchai, has been working at this charity organization for many years. My trust in Oasis Charity comes almost entirely from her. I believe that even if my charitable intentions are no longer pure one day, she will still maintain a sincere heart for charity.


I remember two years ago, after the walkathon ended, Brother Dabing, Shanchai, and I had dinner together. It was already 11 PM, and Shanchai said she needed to go back to the office to move the remaining supplies donated by the walkathon committee to the warehouse. She asked if Brother Dabing and I wanted to join her. We were both tired and cold and wanted to go back to our accommodation to rest, so we declined. But as soon as we parted ways with Shanchai, Brother Dabing and I simultaneously said we should go with her.


Brother Dabing, Shanchai, an aunt from Oasis Charity, and I unloaded several truckloads of supplies, then used carts to move them to the warehouse and sorted them into different categories. By the time we finished, it was already early morning.


While helping out, I felt like crying. I was very tired and cold, but seeing Shanchai and the elderly aunt working so hard, I could only muster all my strength to keep going.


I think it's clear that Oasis Charity is a reliable charity organization.

I know it's not easy to stick to something for 20 years, but I will overcome all difficulties and find ways to achieve it. Even if one day I can't do it, I will have no regrets about my life and passion.


Shanchai, Sister Qiuyu, Brother Qiutian, Sister Yan, Sister Wei, Brother Dabing, and Huasheng, remember our promise—to walk together and fundraise together for the next 15 years.


In the coming years, my dear friends, please witness and support us in participating in the 'One Egg Walkathon,' okay?


Finally, thank you to all the good friends who donated to me this year:

Wei Xi Spray 77, Ah Quan (Mr. Jogging)

Zhou He, Jiang Leyang, Zhang Shanshan, Yin Zi, Tan Yifan

Wu Guoping, Lin Peng, Ben Qiu, Guo Guo (Bonos)

Liu Xiaojuan, Su Xiaopi, Ning Jinhui (51PB Sports Equipment)

Liang Weihong, Luo Ding, Chai Liang (Garmin·Bainai Haitong)

Xu Ping (Fudao Sports), Zhang Lianjie, Sister Annie

Qiang Lianjun (Celi Sports), Li Jiadong (Xingyue Outdoor)

Ah Bin (Honghuang Bicycle), Doudou, Tang Zuishuai, Zhiyu

Kevin, Sister Yan, Meijia, Meijia's Mom, Zhan Zhipeng

Xinyue, Cao Guanglin, Xiran, Heart of the Ocean, Xiaohuihui

Dabai, Xiaofan, Lili, Lili, Liu Fang

Created: 2019-05-15 14:01:58