men run crotch self improvement testicles must not forget

You must believe that humans, who have survived ice ages, great floods, and massive earthquakes, have an extraordinary ability to adapt to their surroundings. Not only can people use their wisdom to transform the environment, but they can also make physiological adjustments. For runners, especially men who run, the greatness of humanity shines even brighter at this moment...

You must have seen a popular topic on Weibo—'Running Hurts the Balls.' Although it sounds ridiculous, it has still misled many people (who don't run themselves). Jeffrey Hill, a urologist and medical doctor who has completed the world's five major marathons, said, 'Your body has ways to adapt to environmental changes and prevent bad things from happening, including to your penis and testicles.'

Even if your running habits are terrible, like not wearing breathable, quick-drying sportswear, leaving your penis and testicles in a warm and humid environment, or wearing clothes that are too tight and don't give them any breathing space—your penis and testicles will still persevere. Tobias Kohler, a medical doctor at Southern Illinois University, said, 'The penis and testicles will respond to changes in the body's environment with a 'cremasteric reflex,' which is their secret weapon to prevent injury.'

However, even though the human body is so powerful, we still need to pay special attention to certain issues. Although the penis and testicles are good at protecting themselves, they can still get injured by other things...

If the testicles hurt, it's a big problem.

One in seven men will experience testicular pain due to varicocele. Many cases of varicocele are congenital, and you usually won't feel anything in daily life. But if the leg muscles start to move, such as during running, causing a sudden increase in blood flow, the varicocele will make its presence felt, causing a dull ache in the testicles.

Some people's testicular pain is very mysterious. 'Some patients worry it's cancer, but the probability is very low. Many pains have no identifiable cause and get worse with more running,' said Dr. Kohler. He suggests that male runners choose looser sports shorts or compression shorts with liners to give their testicles some relief.

Don't squeeze them.

Although tight compression clothing can reduce muscle vibration, making running more efficient and comfortable, it makes the testicles uncomfortable! If you wear clothes that are too tight, the blood flow in the groin area will be restricted, also causing testicular pain.

Dr. Jeffrey Hill said, 'If you feel pain or numbness, it's your body telling you that you're wearing clothes that are too tight. However, it's just temporary pain for now, and there's no evidence yet that it affects fertility.'

Exercise is comparable to 'Viagra.'

Men who run regularly every week not only have healthier cardiovascular systems, but the benefits of exercise also extend to their penis. When it comes to performance in bed, they do much better than 'homebodies.'

Of course, 'homebodies' can also improve their performance through exercise. A recent study by Duke University Medical Center found that ensuring 18 hours of moderate exercise per week—or two hours of intense running—has effects comparable to 'Viagra'!

Sperm will be more active.

Dr. Jeffrey Hill said, 'We have a lot of evidence showing that significant physical activity, especially running, can significantly improve male fertility.'

A study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine reported that if men spend 15 hours a week running or engaging in moderate to intense exercise, their sperm concentration will be 73% higher than average. The number of sperm increases, and the number of high-quality sperm also rises.

Additionally, maintaining an exercise routine can increase testosterone levels in men, which may be one reason why sperm are more active.

For the sake of your penis, testicles, and sperm, don't run too hard.

Although running can make sperm more active and the penis healthier, everything follows the natural law of extremes. Researchers have found that if the weekly running distance exceeds 67 miles (108 kilometers), testosterone levels will drop by 28%, and sperm quality will be worse than at the beginning of the exercise.

Dr. Kohler said, 'Exercise is definitely beneficial for men's health, but only in moderation. Those who are passionate about marathons or long-distance running put too much stress on their bodies, leading to negative effects such as reduced testosterone and impaired sexual function.'

So when does the exercise threshold come? Researchers have provided a recommended running distance based on extensive data: 35 miles (56 kilometers) per week.

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Created: 2016-04-13 02:33:35