Must know for weight loss! Take it thanks not needed!

Summer has arrived, and it's the season to show some skin! (Though, for many, it's more of a shock than a delight...)

The editor knows that everyone encounters various exercise methods both online and in real life, and numerous folk remedies for weight loss keep emerging. While many popular weight loss methods may seem effective, true success in weight loss relies on scientific approaches.

For women, weight loss is a lifelong topic (I'm either losing weight or on the endless road of trying to lose weight...). Many women fail at weight loss because they ignore scientific principles, overlook key details between diet control and exercise, and thus keep failing despite their efforts.

In fact, any weight loss regimen needs to focus on the nutritional content of the food intake, choose appropriate exercise routines, and follow certain scientific principles to improve your body!

Before discussing the following scientific principles, one thing must be kept in mind: our goal in weight loss is to reduce fat, ensuring that lean body mass is not lost! (Lean body mass: fat-free mass, including muscles, bones, etc.)

OK, here are the key points! The three main principles of weight loss:

1. Weight loss cannot be achieved overnight

When people decide to lose weight, many make plans like "lose 5 pounds in a week!" or "starting today, one apple a day!"... For such dieters, the editor is speechless... For those pursuing healthy weight loss, the editor responsibly tells you: losing weight is truly not an easy task! It is a very long, very long process that requires continuous persistence!

Why is this so?

If we aim for rapid weight loss by drastically reducing calorie intake, we can indeed lose some fat in a short time, but at the same time, muscle will also be lost.

Severely restricting calorie intake can also lead to metabolic disorders that are difficult to reverse. In other words, rapid weight loss can cause muscle loss, metabolic disorders, and subsequently lower immunity, nervous breakdown, anorexia nervosa, and even partial organ failure.

OMG, What Shall I Do?

Tip 1:

Although everyone's weight loss goals are different, from a scientific perspective, it is recommended that weight loss should not exceed 1% of body weight per week. For an 80 kg woman, this means losing about 0.5-1 kg per week. Losing weight too quickly can affect your lean body mass.

(From experience, the editor recommends losing 0.5 kg per week, which is relatively safe. However, people with simple obesity may lose more weight initially. But rest assured, your weight won't keep dropping this fast.)

2. Ensure protein intake during weight loss

Many people choose to reduce fat intake and excess fat accumulation in the body by controlling their diet, which is feasible. However, it is important to note that protein intake, a macronutrient, should not be reduced in the diet.

Dr. Bill Campbell increased protein intake for dieters during weight loss, and the results showed that some dieters increased their muscle mass. Research has confirmed that increasing protein intake during weight loss can help the body retain more muscle mass.

Tip 2:

Consume about 2 grams of quality protein per kilogram of body weight daily. For an 80 kg woman, this means about 160 grams of protein per day.

(Sources of quality protein: seafood such as fish and shrimp, soy products, white/poultry meat, red/livestock meat, dairy products, etc.)

3. Resistance/strength training is crucial!

When you start controlling your diet and reducing calorie intake, your body will respond by reducing lean body mass, lowering metabolism, and decreasing maximum strength. Therefore, to maintain our muscle mass and prevent metabolic decline, we must engage in appropriate resistance training.

Many dieters only use endurance/aerobic training during weight loss, which is wrong! Resistance training is very necessary!

Tip 3:

Follow a cyclical cross-training regimen that strengthens strength training (prioritize basic endurance training, and do not blindly pursue high intensity and high repetition training modes).

When targeting muscle groups, complete 6-12 repetitions per exercise, and 3-4 sets are recommended.


If you strictly follow the three weight loss principles above, then weight loss will no longer be so painful and difficult~

Remember, control your diet appropriately, do not starve yourself (so... the saying "how can you lose weight if you don't eat enough?" needs to be revised to "if you don't eat well, you can't lose weight!"). Ensure your muscle mass while preventing metabolic disorders.

Friends who are losing weight, only by adopting the correct methods will you become slimmer!

(The views in this article come from Dr. Bill Campbell's research team at the University of South Florida)

(This article was originally published on Codoon and is reprinted with official authorization)
Created: 2016-04-14 02:55:48