oh no! these common pre run warm up moves are wrong! no wonder injuries keep happening!

Almost all runners know that warming up before running has many benefits, such as:

1. Raising body temperature, reducing soft tissue viscosity, and lowering the risk of muscle strains;

2. Activating muscles to generate greater muscle strength;

3. Activating the core and nervous system for more stable and focused running;

4. Promoting the secretion of joint synovial fluid, reducing stiffness and pain in the joints at the start of running;

5. Reducing the occurrence of side stitches.

However, have you ever thought that the common warm-up exercises you often see and use might be wrong? These incorrect exercises do not contribute to warming up at all!

Here is a summary of6traditional, meaningless, and even harmful common warm-up exercises! Check to see if you’ve been doing any of these~

Incorrect Warm-Up Exercises


Knee Circles

The main function of the knee joint is flexion and extension. When the knee is bent, it does have a small range of internal and external rotation, but even this rotation is very limited.

Knee circles involve a combination of flexion, extension, and rotation. Repeating this movement pattern deliberately,with too much force can cause damage to the meniscus and ligaments of the knee joint.


Neck Circles

Neck circles have no actual warm-up value,and for those with cervical spine issues, they can easily cause compression of the vertebral artery, exacerbating dizziness.


Bouncing Forward Bend

Bouncing forward bends are a typical example of excessive forward bending, which puts pressure on the lumbar spine.

If you forcefully bend forward to touch the ground,it can instantly put a lot of pressure on the lumbar spine, making it very easy to injure your back.


Waist Circles

Waist circles can cause abnormal shear stress on the intervertebral discs,and grind and compress the discs.


Fast Leg Kicks

Fast leg kicks are a form of violent stretching, using explosive force to quickly and repeatedly stretch the muscles.This type of stretching can lead to overstretching and muscle strains.


Lower Back Twists

Lower back twists are the most dangerous of all warm-up exercises.

When bending forward, one side of the intervertebral disc is already compressed, and then performing a large rotation adds shear force to the already deformed disc,making it very easy to cause disc injury.

Oh my! Do these exercises look familiar? Have you used these exercises to warm up before running? If so, please stop doing these incorrect warm-up exercises!

How should you warm up correctly before running? Let's learn the right way now!

Correct Warm-Up Exercises


On-the-Spot Warm-Up Run - Forward and Backward Steps(30 seconds, 1 set)


On-the-Spot Run - High Knee Steps(30 seconds, 1 set)


Dynamic Glute Stretch(12 times, 1 set)


Lunge with Twist(12 times, 1 set)


The World's Greatest Stretch(12 times, 1 set)


Jumping Jacks(10-15 seconds, 1 set)


Single-Leg Deadlift(10-15 seconds, 1 set)

We hope every runner pays more attention to warming up before running, so that our running performance can improve!


The above content is from

"2020 Runner's Diary" and "Injury-Free Running"

Authorized by People's Posts and Telecommunications Publishing House

Please retain the book copyright information when reposting: book title, cover, publisher

Welfare Time

2020 is almost here, and it's time to set your exercise goals! Codoon, in collaboration with the Sports Division of People's Posts and Telecommunications Publishing House, is launching a book giveaway event. Like, comment, and share this article for a chance to win a copy of "2020 Runner's Diary"!

Created: 2019-12-19 07:00:32