frenzied heat

Some encounters are both fate and opportunity, both companionship and support. Since meeting Xiongfeng on the track, my running trajectory and outlook have changed, making simple running more enriching.

Countless times on the sports field, he would breeze past like the wind, and the image that always caught my eye was his upright posture, light as a swallow, and swift as a deer. His back was always straight when he ran, and his quick, short steps seemed to fly as if on a wind-and-fire wheel. He always ran freely on the inner track, immersed in his own rhythm, moving from the heart, doing as he pleased, and confidently being the navigator of his joyful runs. Every time he passed by, a powerful current of air would hit you, inexplicably giving you strength and confidence.

At some point, he was no longer running alone but turned it into a group celebration. A group of people would cheerfully and enthusiastically find spots and angles on the track for creative photos. Their focused and serious demeanor strongly attracted my attention. When I slowed down to watch them as I ran past, they happened to stop me and asked me to take pictures for them. A glance back while running led to my shared running fate with Xiongfeng.

From then on, what was once monotonous and boring solo running evolved into a fun and creative group run. The running venue shifted from the large sports field to the headquarters base, and the running trajectory changed from a monotonous oval to elegant and beautiful words.


Xiongfeng's Creativity→

Creativity comes from life and goes beyond life. Xiongfeng pays attention to every flower, plant, scene, and object in life, and when inspiration strikes, he quickly picks up a pen to sketch words on the map. Willing to spend time and effort during his busy work schedule, he thinks of meaningful words to motivate his running friends to keep running and to inspire beautiful aspirations. He meticulously finds routes on the map, and although the dense routes can be dizzying, driven by love and beauty, he doesn't find it troublesome. Instead, he sees these moments of inspiration as a way to relieve the stress of his complex work, immersing himself in it, tirelessly and devoutly seeking the best routes, focusing to the extreme, and paying attention to the smallest details.

After designing, he would look up to observe the surroundings and keep his eyes on the software to lead us in running. Driven by perfectionism, every stroke was combined with the actual road conditions to the extreme. Along the way, he used the roads as paper and his feet as pens to write many remarkable Chinese characters, which is unimaginable for those who haven't run such characters. During this time, obstacles were overcome, challenges were met with smiles, and everything was driven by love. Only love can make it last long.


Having someone to accompany you in running, experiencing and feeling together, makes every step filled with joy and happiness. Xiongfeng, who brings this group together, is talented, both literarily and martially, and stands out in the field of creative running.


Xiongfeng's Demeanor→

Amidst the sea of green, a splash of red, the pure Chinese red is Xiongfeng's signature, and the most dazzling highlight among us. The fiery red on him reflects his passion for creative running, full of enthusiasm and endless creativity. He has different styles of red throughout the year, each eye-catching and pleasing, all from the same expensive sports brand. Besides red, he has almost all other colors, wearing a different color every day without repetition. His attention to detail is not only reflected in his attire but also in his life, which is full of interest: growing flowers and plants, reading and writing, collecting treasures, tasting tea, taking photos, and more. As he says, life needs some fun. Every time he takes photos during runs, he is enthusiastic, always seeking beauty, and always bringing unexpected surprises.


Xiongfeng's Warmth→

He is very gentlemanly and considerate during runs, often buying the best sports drinks for everyone in the summer and preparing ample supplies for long distances. After running, he thoughtfully sends his running friends home. When you need help, he is very willing to lend a hand. Once, I shyly and tentatively asked to borrow his laptop, and to my surprise, he agreed without hesitation. Later, worried that his own computer was slow, he even lent me the company's computer, truly rescuing me from a difficult situation! It was both warm and touching.


The words we ran together are deeply etched in my mind, constantly encouraging and spurring me on, making me more confident and sunny. Xiongfeng's inadvertent praise triggered my impulse to write about running, leading me into another passion beyond running.


Xiongfeng's Enthusiasm→

On March 9th this year, three of us went to Olympic Forest Park to participate in a running group's 'Running Dragon' event. After more than two hours of effort, climbing hills and crossing rivers, a majestic and heroic dragon appeared before us. It was so cool and impressive that our excitement was uncontrollable. Later, at Xiongfeng's request, I wrote a few lines about the experience, and to my surprise, he praised me, saying my writing was excellent. It was a long time since I had heard such words. Sometimes, a small flash of brilliance needs someone to notice. Xiongfeng's praise gave me the impulse and confidence to write, and I began to try writing reflections during our runs, and I have kept it up ever since. After each piece, he would enthusiastically encourage me, gently guiding me, sometimes even designing words to make it easier for me to write. This secretly turned writing into a dream for me, and I shamelessly hoped to achieve something in writing.


Xiongfeng not only guides you to learn and improve, but when you encounter unhappy or unsatisfactory things in life, he is also very good at comforting people. With eloquence and insight, he analyzes problems thoroughly, using positive energy to cleanse your soul, sweeping away your negative emotions, making you feel enlightened and truly relieved.


Running with Xiongfeng not only brings creativity and poetry to your steps but also brings motivation and progress to your life, giving your life direction and pursuit. Let us, for the love in our hearts and the beautiful aspirations, take every step well and run towards a beautiful tomorrow together.

Created: 2019-12-23 08:54:22