a delicious summer weight loss diet plan

Spring and summer are alternating, and it's time to show off your figure! However, this is also the critical period for girls' 'weight loss battle.' To look beautiful in the scorching summer, you have to fight the fat on your body. Usually, the methods of losing weight are nothing more than increasing exercise and eating less. Some friends are worried; increasing exercise is entirely doable, but why is it so hard to eat a little less? Today, I will recommend a few foods that will help you eat more and lose more weight during the summer 'weight loss battle.'

We refuse to have such a 'majestic' figure in the summer!

This is the summer we want!

Five-star recommendation: Celery Salad

Everyone knows that cucumbers and tomatoes can help with weight loss, but celery actually has a better effect. Celery is a low-calorie food, with its fiber content accounting for 40% of the celery itself, and the remaining 60% is basically water, making it a completely fat-free food! So you can say 'eating celery is almost like eating nothing.' When we eat, we need to chew and digest the food, and the calories consumed in chewing and digesting celery are higher than the calories in the celery itself! Celery is a coarse fiber food, and its high fiber content can promote gastrointestinal motility. Additionally, celery contains a large amount of calcium and potassium, which can reduce water accumulation in the lower body. Celery is refreshing and delicious, making it the first choice for summer weight loss!

Although celery is so effective for weight loss, no one eats it raw! Today, I will recommend a celery salad that is both delicious and helps with weight loss!

Now our celery salad is ready, delicious and won't make you gain fat! A little reminder: you can adjust the dressing according to your taste, but remember, to achieve weight loss, you should use less salt and oil. For example, some friends like sesame paste, which can be used instead of salad dressing, but don't use too much, or the calories from the sesame paste will exceed that of the celery!

A little secret: you can refrigerate it for a while for a better taste!

Five-star recommendation: Grapefruit Oat Yogurt

With the improvement of living standards, grapefruit is now a common fruit in our lives. Like celery, grapefruit is extremely low in calories and rich in potassium, which helps reduce fat and water accumulation in the lower body. Grapefruit is also rich in vitamin C and other elements needed by the body, and it contains less sugar, making it indispensable for those looking to lose weight in the summer. As for oats and yogurt, there's no need to say much; oats are filling and low in fat, while yogurt is a great aid for digestion. Combining these three foods makes a delicious summer treat.

Grapefruit oat yogurt is simple to make and suitable for breakfast or afternoon tea. Friends can adjust the ratio of the three ingredients according to their taste. You can also crush more grapefruit pulp at once and store it in the refrigerator for use. This way, you can make grapefruit oat yogurt in just 2 minutes. Doesn't it seem like breakfast is sorted?

Grapefruit oat yogurt is low in fat, filling, and provides the body with the necessary calories and trace elements while promoting digestion. I really think it's the best choice for breakfast!

Alright! These are the summer weight loss foods that I recommend for 'eating more and losing more weight'! Hurry up and DIY! Also, note that while celery, grapefruit, and other fruits and vegetables won't make you fat, you shouldn't eat only these. Weight loss is important, but getting comprehensive nutrition is the foundation of a healthy life! I wish everyone success in the 'summer weight loss battle'!

(This article was originally published in the Running Bible, authored by Monkey Sai Lei, and is reprinted with official authorization.)
Created: 2016-05-17 02:26:23