jellyfish gene detection evaluation report

I was fortunate to be selected for a genetic testing opportunity provided by Codoon. First, let me explain that Codoon is the name of a company, not an actual jellyfish gene testing.

I received a package from SF Express, and both the courier service and the packaging design made me feel quite impressed. Inside were items like a test tube collector and a sealed bag. To be honest, I was a bit startled when I first received the package, thinking about how to collect the genetic sample... It seemed very likely that it would involve drawing blood for DNA, and looking at the situation, was I supposed to draw my own blood and mail it back?

Although I'm quite bold, I don't trust my own skills that much. It turned out my imagination was too wild 👻. Codoon's genetic test involves collecting a sample from the inner cheek using a small cotton swab, then placing it into a small test tube containing a care solution. The process ends there, very simple and straightforward.

Now, let me introduce what Codoon's genetic testing actually tests for. The package didn't provide detailed information, so I scanned their WeChat QR code, followed their account, and browsed around. They offer two tests for purchase: one from the 'The One' series (99 yuan) and one from the 'Move' series (a few hundred yuan, I forgot the exact amount). I received the former, which includes nine tests.

1. Longevity Probability (How likely you are to live long). I'm still young, so I'm not particularly interested in this.

2. Alcohol Tolerance (How much you can drink before getting drunk, and whether your body is suited for drinking). Among my peers, I'm considered someone who likes to drink and can handle it, but I've never tested my limits. The most I've had is one or two bottles. Once the test results are out, I can verify this.

3. Fat Burning Level (Your basal metabolic rate, i.e., how much energy you consume while sitting). For a person who is overweight, this is a very important issue. I've always felt that I don't eat more than others, but I gain more weight... Once the results are out, I want to verify the accuracy of this test.

4. Warrior Gene (Whether you are a lady or a tomboy, a straight man or an effeminate man, explained in extremes for clarity). This... is a bit mysterious, but genes are powerful like that. Science reveals our essence. I'll mention the scientific basis of this test later; it's not just online fortune-telling.

5. Night Owl (Whether you stay up late). Of course, I stay up late. I know this very well, and it can be verified.

6. Lactose Metabolism (What kind of milk is suitable for you and how beneficial it is).

7. Memory (Self-explanatory).

8. Attention.

9. Tanning Risk (How easily you get tanned if you don't use sunscreen). I still get tanned even with sunscreen.

Created: 2016-05-19 03:04:02