zero based runner two years run ten thousand kilometers

5May 31st is just the last day of May for many people, but it holds extraordinary significance for me because on that day, my running distance surpassed 10,000 kilometers. Ten thousand kilometers is equivalent to 238 marathons, a number unimaginable for an ordinary person with no athletic background two years ago.


Today, I want to share some personal running experiences with everyone!


2Years ago, a middle-aged man in his 40s, due to work reasons, led an irregular life, accompanied by smoking and drinking for years, which eventually led to abnormal health indicators, a sallow complexion, a protruding belly, and his weight skyrocketed to 180 pounds. To change the situation, I chose to run and have persisted ever since.


Because of my persistence, my life and body have been constantly changing. In 2014, I completed my first half marathon, and on March 22, 2015, I completed my first full marathon. To date, the longest distance I've run is 60 kilometers around Mount Tai, and my fastest half marathon took 99 minutes. My running distance keeps increasing: in 2014, I ran 2445.16 kilometers, in 2015, I reached 5133.13 kilometers, and by June 2016, my total distance had reached 10,001 kilometers. My weight also dropped from 180 pounds to 136 pounds, and all my health indicators have normalized.


 Speaking of persistence, it hasn't been easy for me due to the nature of my job, which requires constant travel between cities. But once I fell in love with running, I couldn't give it up. Therefore, I always bring my running gear with me whenever I travel, whether to the south or the north. To date, I've left my footprints in Shenzhen, Huizhou, Tianjin, Pingquan, and Chaozhou.


So how did I make this seemingly boring activity interesting?


First, you need the company of the Codoon app, which allows you to meet more friends while running. Regularly checking the exercise tracks and reflections of different running buddies is a wonderful mental journey. Then, empty your mind, return to your most original self, don't compare yourself with anyone, don't pay attention to any irrelevant external factors, just focus on yourself. Whether it's morning or night, whether it's a hot summer or a cold winter, lift your legs, and you've won.


Secondly, you must join a reliable running group and find one or more friends who can encourage you to run. In the early stages of running, develop the habit of running, mutually restrain, supervise, and encourage each other, and motivate yourself constantly. Invite three or five friends, find a scenic running track... From then on, running will no longer be lonely or boring, like a magnolia blooming in spring.

The most important point to emphasize repeatedly is mileage. To persist in running long-term, you must go with the flow. Even if you increase your mileage, do it gradually, not by pushing yourself too hard in one go. Many things shouldn't be forced with overly challenging goals from the start; instead, set easily achievable goals first and then progress step by step.

The sense of achievement, satisfaction, confidence, or physical changes brought by running, the comfort of sweating, the pleasure after dopamine secretion, etc., these joys far outweigh the hardships and fatigue during running. Once it becomes a habit, it will become a part of your life. Sanmao said: The more you run, the more harmonious you become, the more tolerant you become, and the more you learn to enjoy all the ordinary and humble joys between people. When one day you reach the state of unity between heaven and man through running, there will no longer be any mental suffering or desires that bind the soul, and the true freedom of life will be right in front of you.

(This article is originally created by a Codoon user. For reprints, please contact the Codoon editor.)

Created: 2016-06-03 02:56:13